Obfus contest ?

AAAARRRRGGGGv argv at sri-spam.ARPA
Sun Jul 6 05:07:23 AEST 1986


Well, since I didn't win the obfuscated C code contest this year, and
since have seen or heard anything about who *DID*[1], I thought I'd post
my entries. I'd be real interested in others' entries -- in fact, I
think all entries should be posted anyway; it's kinda like a modern 
art exhibit.  We might even get written up in the "arts" section of
some newspaper...
[1]: don't flame me, I have been keeping up with net.announce and have
yet to see anything; that was a newsgroup which was claimed to be used
for postings on this whole affair.

I had two entries:
The first is my stab at a one-liner.  It compiles on anything that has
a C compiler. Give it any number of numerical arguments.
#define _ putchar
#define _00 main
#define _01 '\n'
#define _10 (_0,_1)char**_1;{if(_0/(1+1))_11(
_00 _10 atoi(_1[1]),_1),_(_01),_00(_0-1,_1+1);}_11 _10 _0/2,_1);_("01"[_0%2]);}

The second is my artsie-fartsie entry. It doesn't take args, and it's
not interesting (altho it does print stuff). It's there to look at --
why, I don't know.
#define hah define
#hah hehheh hah
#hehheh haha main
#hehheh ha ;
#hah Ha int
#hah he (
#hehheh Ho {
#hah ho char
#hah hee printf("
#hah har for
#hehheh hoo ++
#hehheh dee =
#hah eee }
#hehheh heh !
#hah Hee 1
#hah wee 5
#hah HA  )

    ho hooo    dee Hee        ha  Ha  aaaH           ha haha
    he   HA    Ho   ha       ha ha ha ha  ha         ha   ha
    har  he    ha   he      heh heh  aaaH  HA        ha   HA
    ha   ha    heh  he     wee       HA ha  ha       Ho   Ho 
    Ho   Ho Ha oo  dee    Hee         ha  ha ha      ha   ha
    ha   ha ha har  he   oo dee wee ha Hee ha oo     hoo  HA
    hee  HA    har  de   HAH           HA ha heh     hehe"HA
    ha   ha    ha   ha   eee           ha eee ha
    ha   ha    Ho   ha   wee           ha eee ha     Ho Ha a
    dee Hee    ha a ha   eee           ha Ho eee     eee eee

flames, suggestions, jokes, etc... to me:
(argv at sri-spam.arpa)

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