ifdef filter

The Champ narayan at wg3b20.UUCP
Fri Jul 25 02:30:11 AEST 1986

> I know of a GREAT way to filter out "un-executed" ifdefs. It's
> called the C pre-processor! Just feed it your code, with a few
> -Doptions to define which ifdefs you want defined, and presto-changeo,
> it will spit out only the wanted source.
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                Dave Lowrey
You can't do this if you have sources that you would like to sell.
If you have sources that build stuff for several machines, you don't
want to give them all away. Here is where you unifdef what you
don't want to give away. Also ccp pulls in include files, and 
expands #defines. How would you like AT&T to give you sources
with no include files or only octal and hex numbers for all the
masks and parameters.


Narayan Mohanram

Phone:		415-962 7170
ARPANET		wg3b20!narayan at lll-tis-b.ARPA
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Mail		The Wollongong Group
		1129 San Antonio Road
		Palo Alto, CA 94303. USA

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