grotwin (Part 1 of 7)

nwh at hrc63.UUCP nwh at hrc63.UUCP
Fri Jul 11 23:59:40 AEST 1986

#!	/bin/sh
#	This is a shell archive. To extract the files type 'sh file'
#	This archive created on Fri Jul 11 13:25:29 WET 1986

export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo 'shar: extracting 'README' ( 2144 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
	echo "shar: will not overwrite existing file 'README'"
	cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'

This is the README file for the grotwin window manager for normal terminals.

You will have to place the following file definitions contained in grotwin.c
in your locally developed program site /usr/bin equivelent (default of
/usr/mrc shown) :-

manfile[]       = "/usr/mrc/";
helpfile[]      = "/usr/mrc/";
system_more[]   = "more";

You will also need to place the following entry in /etc/termcap (for commands
like tset).

#	Following entry for grotwin pseudo terminals
	gr|grotty|grotwin pseudo tty:\
	:co#78:li#22:cl=^L:cm=\E=%+ %+ :am:bs:nd=^X:ce=^Y:\

Having upshared each file entry via 'sh file', you will need to copy
grotwin.make to Makefile before you can make grotwin.
Having typed 'make' to make grotwin, you will also need to type 'make man'
in order to nroff the manual page.  I'm on holiday from August 12 - 27
inclusive, so any problems will have to sorted out by other people on the net
during this period.

Grotwin has been developed on a Sun 2 running release 2.2.  It should
however, run on any BSD 4.2 or 4.3 system, or indeed any system
which has pseudo terminals and the ability to poll a file descriptor
(select(), ioctl(FIONREAD) or otherwise).

On my system at least, the screen occasionally gets corrupted.  This
is due to the serial line as it doesn't happen at 4800 or on a
sun window.  The fix is simple, simply get grotwin to redraw
the screen as and when it occurs (via ctrl-a l); this is much
more useful than slowing down the serial line speed.

Have fun using it - and remember, it will never be as good as a bit-mapped
windowing system.  It is however, generally more useful than a normal screen
when multiple sessions are required.  I'd be grateful for any feedback/gripes
but remember that as I'm away there will be a delay in my answering them.

Nigel Holder                    UK JANET:       yf21 at
Marconi Research,               ARPA:  at ucl-cs
Essex. CM2 8HN.

+44 245 73331   ext. 3219 / 3214

if test 2144 -ne `wc -c < 'README'`
	echo 'shar: error transmitting 'README' (should have been  2144 charcaters)'
echo 'shar: extracting '' ( 1976 characters)'
if test -f ''
	echo "shar: will not overwrite existing file ''"
	cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
     WIndow Command Terminology

     ctrl-a 'n'      means ctrl-a followed by ctrl-n or 'n'.
     ctrl-a 'N'      means ctrl-a followed by 'N'
     ctrl-a 'nN'     means ctrl-a followed by ctrl-n, 'n' or 'N'.

     All commands are preceded by ctrl-a, just as you  may  have
     used reached this information summary.

     The valid window commands are as follows :-

     Command               Action

      'nN'           create new window
      'w'            make numerically next window current
      '0' - '9'      make selected window current
                     (range 1 to 9)
      'xX'           expand window to full size
      'vV'           expand window vertically to full size
      'cC'           expand window horizontally to full size
      'zZ'           clear window
      'eE'           expose window
      'hH'           hide window
      'p'            page mode on - type any character
                     for next page
      'P'            page mode off
      'o'            overwrite mode on - type any character
                     for next page
      'O'            overwrite mode off
      'tT'           toggle between displaying and removing time
      'sS'           XOFF for current window
      'qQ'           XON for current window
      'R'            force process within window to terminate
                     - achieved by sending following signals
                     in implied order until one is successful
                     or all have been used
                     SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGKILL
      'F'            forced exit from program (no
                     questions asked)
                     - same as the 'R' option, but for
                     all windows
      'iI'           display status of windows
      '?'            this message

     otherchar       Character is input as if not preceded
                     by ctrl-a.  Therefore to enter ctrl-a,
                     type 'ctrl-a ctrl-a'
if test 1976 -ne `wc -c < ''`
	echo 'shar: error transmitting '' (should have been  1976 charcaters)'


Nigel Holder			UK JANET:       yf21 at
Marconi Research,		ARPA:  at ucl-cs
Essex. CM2 8HN.

+44 245 73331   ext. 3219 / 3214

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