elg at usl.UUCP elg at usl.UUCP
Fri Jul 11 04:50:35 AEST 1986

This is the cover letter for JAFT, which is a TVI910 emulator for the
Commodore 64. JAFT is being posted in net.sources because of several
requests from the C-64 contingent for a terminal program that works
well with UNIX. No other C-64 programs are being planned for upload,
and I advise Commodore people to log into Quantum Link for their
public domain software, because it's much cheaper than uuencoding
Commodore binaries and sending them around the world. The sole reason
this is being posted is because of the Unix connection (need for a
terminal program to use with Unix).

--------Mandatory quote:------------
"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a
dead girl or a live boy."  -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
Eric Green {akgua,ut-sally}!usl!elg
           (Snail Mail P.O. Box 92191, Lafayette, LA 70509)

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