unifdef processor

Valdis Kletnieks $VK0%CLVM.BITNET at WISCVM.ARPA
Fri Jul 25 01:32:01 AEST 1986

Hmmm. I see in the last 3 or 4 days a NUMBER of people who claim that running
a program through the C preprecessor will produce the desired results.

'Taint so, guys...

Consider -

#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef mach1
#define NBITS 16   /* this is a poor old PDP-11 */
#ifdef mach2
#define NBITS 12   /* PDP-8 */
#ifdef mach3
#define NBITS 32   /* a real machine like a Vax or such */

     for(i=0;i<NBITS;i++) { /* some code here */ }


Feed this to your C-preprocessor.

(a) That <stdio.h> produces LOTS of line of blanks and other stuff..
(b) You end up with LOTS of 'magic numbers' like {8,12,16,32} hard-coded
    in the code.

For REAL fun, try feeding kernel source that does a LOT of bit masking using
    #define'd masks through the preprocessor, and THEN try to understand
    what's going on.  I thought that AVOIDING such stuff was the reason that
    the C-preprocessor was INVENTED.

What the people were ASKING for here was something that would ONLY strip out
the irrelevant code from stuff like the above, leaving only the 1 appropriate

                      Valdis Kletnieks
                      Systems Programmer
                      Educational Resources Center
                      Clarkson University
                      Potsdam, NY  13676
                      (315) 268-2292

                      BITNET: $VK0 at CLVM
                      ARPA: $VK0%CLVM at WISCVM.ARPA     (old style)
                            $VK0%CLVM at WISCVM.WISC.EDU (new style)
                      UUCP: {pur-ee,ccvaxa,sun}!gould!clutx!vk0
                      ICBM: 044N 40 075W 00

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