ifdef filter

Bill Crews bc at cyb-eng.UUCP
Sat Jul 19 04:56:59 AEST 1986

> It often happens that software packages are set up to run on so many
> configurations that it is hard to read the code because of all the ifdefs.
> I would like a filter for C programs that does something like the
> following:
> [...deleted specification...]
> That is, filter out everything that is not going to be expanded by cpp while
> retaining the ifdefs that are going to be expanded, just for comment value.
> Ideally the output, when compiled, would produce exactly the same results as the
> original.  Does anyone have anything like this?

Me, too.  I keep planning to write it and never seem to find the time.
bc				Bill Crews @ NetCor Data International

..!{seismo,gatech,ihnp4}!ut-sally!cyb-eng!bc  (512) 835-2266

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