MICROEMACS 3.6J part 3 of 3

jimb at tekigm2.UUCP jimb at tekigm2.UUCP
Sat Jul 12 04:54:26 AEST 1986

-------------------emacs.rc------ FYI -------------------------------

;	EMACS.RC:	Startup file for MicroEMACS 3.6J
;			This file is executed everytime the
;			editor is entered
;                 Note: These functions are default from the program and
;                       this file is not necessary for proper execution.
;                       This is only to show how you would use this file
;                       to do your own assignments.  The list of functions
;                       is in EFUNC.H and the list of bindings is in
;                       EBIND.H    --- both previously posted.
;	***** Rebind the Function key group

bind-to-key set-mark            	FN;
bind-to-key kill-region         	FN<
bind-to-key yank                	FN=
bind-to-key kill-to-end-of-line 	FN>
bind-to-key delete-next-word            FN@
bind-to-key search-reverse		FNA
bind-to-key search-forward      	FNB
bind-to-key hunt-backward       	FNC
bind-to-key hunt-forward        	FND

------------------------- cut here-------------------------------

		MicroEMACS 3.6J Help screens		(07/07/86)

	M-  means to use the <ESC> key prior to using another key
	^A  means to use the control key at the same time as the A key

^V or [Pg Dn]     Scroll down		M-< or ^[HOME]	Begining of file
M-V or [Pg Up]    Scroll up		M-> or ^[END]	End of file
^X^N		  Scroll window down	^X^P		Scroll window up

^F  Forward character   M-F or ^[->] Forward word	Keypad arrows
^B  Backward character  M-B or ^[<-] Backward word	are active!
^A or [HOME] Front of line	
^E or [END] End of line		
^N  Next line		M-N    End of paragraph
^P  Previous line	M-P    Front of paragraph
M-G Goto line

^S or [F8]  Search forward from cursor position.  Type in a string to be 
            searched for at the prompt and end it with ESC.  Either case 
            matches either unless EXECT mode is set for the current buffer
^R or [F7]  As above, but Reverse search from cursor position.
[F10]       Search for the next occurence of the last string 
[F9]        Search for the last occurence of the last string 

M-R   Replace all instances of first typed-in string with second
          typed-in string.  End each string with ESC.
M-^R  Replace with query.  Answer with:
	^G  cancel			.   exit to entry point
	!   replace the rest		Y    replace & continue
	?   Get a list of options	N   no replacement & continue

M-C	Capitalize word		^T	Transpose characters
M-L	lowercase word
^X^L	lowercase region
^X^U	uppercase region
^Q	Quote next entry, so that control codes may be entered into text

M-<spacebar> M-.	set MARK at current position
^X^X			eXchange mark and cursor

A REGION will then be continuously-defined as the area between the mark and
the current cursor position.  The KILL BUFFER is the text which has been
most recently saved or deleted.

<--	Delete previous character	M-<--	Delete previous word
^D	Delete next character		M-D	Delete next word
^K	Close (delete) to end of line	^C <INSERT>  Insert a space 
^O	Open (insert) line		<DELETE>  Delete current char 
^X^O	Delete blank lines
^W	Delete region between mark (set using M-<spacebar>) and cursor
M-W	Copy region to kill buffer
M-^W	Kill paragraph to kill buffer
^I Tab	Insert tab			^J	Newline and indent
^M CR	Insert newline

^W  Delete (Wipe) region		M-W	copy region to KILL buffer
^Y  Yankback save buffer at cursor
Generally, the procedure for copying or moving text is:
    1)  Mark a REGION using M-<spacebar> at beginning and cursor at end.
    2)  Delete it (with ^W) or copy it (with M-W) into the KILL buffer.
    3)  Move the cursor to the desired location and yank it back (with ^Y).

M-M	Add Global Mode		M-^M	Delete Global Mode
^X M	Add Mode		^X ^M	Delete Mode
	OVER	Replaces (overwrites) rather than inserts characters
	WRAP	Turns on word wrap (automatic carraige return).
	VIEW	Allows viewing file without insertion and deletion.
	EXACT	All searches done with exact case matching
	CMODE	Automatic indenting for C program entry

^Un^X F		Set fill column to n
Mn-<tab>	Set tab spacing to n characters between tabs stops
M-Q		Format paragraph so that text lies between margins
^X =		Position report -- displays line number, char count, size

Many WINDOWS may be active at once on the screen.  All windows may show
different parts of the same buffer, or each may display a different one.

^X 2	Split the current window in two	^X 1	remove all but current window
^X D    Delete current window (space goes to previous window)
^X O	cursor to next window		^X P	cursor to previous window
^X ^ ^X Z  Enlarge current window	^X ^Z   Shrink current window
M-^V	scroll down, other window	M-^Z	scroll up, other window

A BUFFER is a named area containing a document being edited.  Many buffers
may be activated at once.
^X B	Switch to another buffer.  <CR> = use just-previous buffer
^X ^B	Type buffer directory in a window
^X ^F	Find file; read into a new buffer created from filename.
^X K	Delete a non-displayed buffer.
^X X	Switch to next buffer in buffer list
M-^N	Rename buffer

^X^F	Find file; read into a new buffer created from filename.
	(This is the usual way to begin editing a new file.)
^X^R	Read file into current buffer, erasing its previous contents.
	No new buffer will be created.
^X^I	Insert file into current buffer at cursor's location.
^X^V	Find a file to make current in VIEW mode

^X^S	Save current buffer to disk, using the buffer's filename
^XS	as the name of the disk file.  Any disk file of that name
	will be overwritten.
^X^W	Write current buffer to disk.  Type in a new filename at the
	prompt to write to; it will become the current buffer's filename.
^Z	Write out all changed buffers and exit MicroEMACS

^X!	Send one command to the operating system and return
^XC	Start a new command processer under MicroEMACS
^X^C	Exit MicroEMACS
^XN	Rename file
^Z	Write out all changed buffers and then Exit MicroEMACS
		(15) MACROS

^X(	Begin Macro		^X)	End macro
^XE	Execute Macro

^G		Cancel current command and return to top level of processing.
M-<digit>       Universal repeat.  May be followed by an integer (default = 4)
        	and repeats the next command that many times.
M-X		Execute a named (and possibly unbound) command
M-K		Bind a key to a named command
M-^K		Unbind a key
^X?		Describe key
M-?		Read this file into a buffer

		List the current key bindings in a buffer
		execute a buffer of command lines
		execute a command line of form: n command args
		execute a file of commands (emacs.rc, for instance)

PC KEY          BOUND TO                      SAME AS
------          --------                      -------
F1		set-mark                       M-spc
F2		kill-region                     ^W
F3		yank                            ^Y
F4		kill-to-end-of-line             ^K
F6		delete-next-word                M-D
F7		search-reverse                  ^R
F8		search-forward                  ^S
F9		hunt-backward 
F10		hunt-forward
INS             open-line
DEL             delete current character        ^D
^[PgUp]         Start of Paragraph
^[PgDn]         End of Paragraph
[Home]          Beginning of line               ^A
[End]           End of line                     ^E
^[Home]         Beginning of Buffer
^[End]          End of Buffer

Arrow Keys are Active

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