PD LISP for VAX Wanted

Mike O'Donnell mdo at ut-ngp.UUCP
Thu Mar 20 10:32:37 AEST 1986

Apologies in advance if I have posted this in some wrong news group.

I am very interested in demonstrating AI to my peers here where I work
and what it might be able to do as for as what we are attempting to do.

Therefore I would like a PD LISP to demo some examples, so if any of ya'll
have some decent version, I would like to use it.  We have some
MicroVAX 2 units here in our office so something running on that system
or something portable (in C) would be nice.

I don't mind doing some porting so even a PC version would do.

Thanks, Mike O'Donnell @ LCRA

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