Flight Simulator

Mark Dipasquale pasq at oswego.UUCP
Tue Mar 11 14:03:54 AEST 1986

	Dear Net.Sources People:

	I wonder if anyone has a flight simulator program that I can
	use on a VAX 11/750 running 4.2BSD.  We also have VT-240 terminals
	that support graphics.

	Please respond via electronic mail...

	Thank you!!!

        < ^D >

||                                                                            ||
||        UUCP ---->  rocksvax!oswego!pasq                                    ||
||                                                     "Some succeed because  ||
||        U.S. MAIL:  Mark Di Pasquale < ^D >           they are destined     ||
<>                    Instructional Computing Center    to, others succeed    <>
||                    11 Snygg Hall, SUNY Oswego        because they are      ||
||                    Oswego, New York   13126          determined to"        ||
||                    (315) 341-3055                                          ||
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