The Craps program! (There is a bug.)

Tom Reingold reintom at rocky2.UUCP
Sun Mar 2 10:13:20 AEST 1986

I compiled it and it seemed to run on the VAX 11/780.  When I tried
to quit, it tried to access a lock file that is obviously local to
the author's system.  It looped endlessly, waiting for access.  I
could not use my break key to stop the process!  This is a serious

I had to disconnect from the host, log back in, type "ps -x", and
kill my login and craps processes.

Incidentally, in case you are interested, the program would not
compile on another machine running 4.2BSD.  The machine is a Sperry
7000/40 which is based on a handful of 68000 chips.

Tom Reingold
New York City

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