nroff to Post Script

Antony Williams asw at rlvd.UUCP
Tue Mar 11 01:59:53 AEST 1986

In article <285 at hadron.UUCP> tsp at hadron.UUCP (T. Scott Pyne) writes:
>There is a troff-to-PostScript postprocessor on the market, from a company
>called Adobe Systems.  The product is named Transcript (tm) and appears to
>be what you are looking for.  I have some propaganda from the company which
>claims to be troff output via a Laserwriter and it looks good.  Since Post-
>script is also an Adobe trademark I think it is a safe bet that they know
>what they are doing.  DISCLAIMER:  I have *not* used this software, merely

Adobe Systems defined the PostScript language, and wrote the interpreter
which resides in the laserwriter.

>A question:  has anyone on the net actually *used* this product?  We are
>also considering the Laserwriter-with-Transcript as a reasonably-priced
>high-quality output device, and would appreciate any firsthand knowledge.
>Thanks in advance.
We have been using TranScript with Laserwriters for about two months.
So far, it is excellent.  Quality is good, and the software works
fine.  There are of course a few minor bugs, but I have been able
to produce documents using DITroff, Pic, Tbl, Eqn etc
without getting bitten.

Tony Williams					|Informatics Division
UK JANET:	asw at			|Rutherford Appleton Lab
Usenet:		{... | mcvax}!ukc!rlvd!asw	|Chilton, Didcot
ARPAnet:	asw%rl.vd at		|Oxon OX11 0QX, UK

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