more craps diffs

Ray Tripamer ray at unlv.UUCP
Sat Mar 8 08:59:18 AEST 1986

[try eating this crap, line-eater!]

here are some new diffs for the craps program.  Remember, these
diffs assume that you have applied the previous diffs.  Thanks to
Chris Moore for the suggestion about redrawing the screen when
it gets trashed.  Also, the man page has been revised showing
the use of the escape key during operation of the game.

Without further ado, here are the diffs!
					--Ray Tripamer
					University of Nevada, Las Vegas	
----------------------------- SNIP SNIP -----------------------------
diffs for "craps.6"
*** /tmp/,RCSt1008723	Fri Mar  7 14:49:15 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2008723	Fri Mar  7 14:49:17 1986
*** 13,19 ****
  To get started you really only need to know one command.  The command
  .B ?
! will give you a list of the available commands.
  The object of craps is to (of course) beat the house, i.e. leave the
  game with more money than when you started.
--- 13,21 ----
  To get started you really only need to know one command.  The command
  .B ?
! will give you a list of the available commands.  Another useful tip
! is that the <ESC> key will abort any command, and return you to
! the 'bet:' prompt.
  The object of craps is to (of course) beat the house, i.e. leave the
  game with more money than when you started.

diffs for "help.c"
*** /tmp/,RCSt1008758	Fri Mar  7 14:50:53 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2008758	Fri Mar  7 14:50:54 1986
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,32 ----
  	mvaddstr(19,20," q         Quit");
  	mvaddstr(20,20," ?         This List");
  	mvaddstr(21,20," !         Shell escape");
+ 	mvaddstr(22,20,"^L         Redraw the screen");
  	msg("Press [space] to continue",23,1);

diffs for "main.c"
*** /tmp/,RCSt1008735	Fri Mar  7 14:50:01 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2008735	Fri Mar  7 14:50:02 1986
*** 13,19 ****
  int pcol[11] = {0,0,0,0,C+11,C+19,C+27,0,C+35,C+43,C+51};
! char *keys="pcdDofblhsa23yuCq?!r",line[81];
  char *nums[] = {
--- 13,19 ----
  int pcol[11] = {0,0,0,0,C+11,C+19,C+27,0,C+35,C+43,C+51};
! char *keys="pcdDofblhsa23yuCq?!r",line[81];
  char *nums[] = {

diffs for "makeb.c"
*** /tmp/,RCSt1008746	Fri Mar  7 14:50:20 1986
--- /tmp/,RCSt2008746	Fri Mar  7 14:50:23 1986
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,67 ----
  				case QUIT:
+ 				case REFRESH:
+ 					wrefresh(curscr);
+ 					continue;
  				case CHEAT:
  					addline("Enter password:");

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