MICRO_EMACS for PC-AT (Re Posting...

jrv at siemens.UUCP jrv at siemens.UUCP
Wed Mar 19 03:04:00 AEST 1986

Here is a list of the changes which I had to make to get the posting
of MicroEMACS to compile with Lattice-C version 2.15 small model:

1. In termio.c and spawn.c the file 'dos.h' is included. For some
   strange reason Lattice defines a symbol CPM as 1 in this file.
   That will conflict with a symbol by the same name in microEMACS.

>  #undef CPM
   #include <dos.h>
>  #undef CPM
>  #define CPM 0

   Add the indicated lines where the 'dos.h' include statement is in both
   termio.c and spawn.c. They should compile with no warnings.

2. tcap.c is currently defined as an empty file. Lattice does not generate
   an object file for it. If you will not use it then remove tcap.obj from
   your link list. Alternatively, you can keep it but must force the .obj
   to be generated. The following at the end of the file will accomplish

>  #else
>  static int dummy;
   #endif TERMCAP

3. In meta.c there is a symbol table collision between the functions
   replace_string() and replace_occ(). Either change the name of one of them
   (I changed replace_occ) or specify to the compiler to keep more than
   8 characters for symbols, i.e. '-n' option.

4. In display.c there are two function calls to vtputcl which are passing
   an empty character constant, vtputcl('');. From the context it looks
   like an escape character got lost. Modify the two calls to pass an
   escape as: vtputcl('\033'); (That's the octal constant for escape in case
   it gets lost also.)

5. There will still be several warnings generated. (I investigated the
   cause but did not make modifications to remove them.) Some can be
   easily coded around. One or two of them are problems with pointers
   being assigned to integers. A little more work would be invovled to see
   if this can be easily modified. Because of this the code will probably
   not work correctly if compiled with a large data space and therefore has
   a segment size limit on data. I could not get all of a 59K file in
   for editting.

I have only used the editor briefly after having made the above fixes. It
worked correctly during the testing I performed on both an IBM PC/XT
and a PC/AT.

Jim Vallino
Siemens Research and Technology Lab.
Princeton, NJ

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