Using identifiers with more than 7

robison at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU robison at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
Fri Mar 7 08:43:00 AEST 1986

> ...
> I  wish  that the people that post sources to the net would try to keep
> in mind that some of us have compilers that can't swollow  indentifiers
> that are longer than seven (7) characters long.
> ...

I have a converter program which replaces all long identifiers by short
identifiers automatically.  I've been able to make a short-identifier `lint'
work on long identifer sources correctly.

Presumably the same converter could be used for compilation.  If there 
is enough interest, I'll post the converter program (along with documentation)
to the net.

- Arch D. Robison
  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  robison at uiucdcs

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