RFS bug fix #4 and announcement of RFS release #2

Todd Brunhoff toddb at tekcrl.UUCP
Wed Mar 12 11:30:57 AEST 1986

	RFS is a public-domain, kernel-resident, distributed file system that
	slides *very* easily into most 4.2 BSD and some 4.3 BSD kernels.
	It has not been ported to ATT System V, nor would it be easy.

In the past three weeks I have received between 50 and 60 requests for
RFS, but have only been able to sucessfully communicate with about 4 or
5 of those people, the blame lying for the most part on uucp mail.
Initially, RFS was posted to mod.sources, but it seemed as if
more people received incomplete copies than those who received all
7 shar files.  After a period of swearing never to post a large peice
of software to the net again, I have recanted, and have posted all
of RFS, release #2 to both mod.sources and net.sources.

This release contains all the fixes posted in bug reports #1, #2 and #3.
It also contains some new fixes contributed by a variety of people
which I will say comprises bug fix report #4.

Please remember that I cannot offer any support for RFS.  I will field
suggestions, but I do not plan on fixing or changing any of RFS myself
(at least not for the next 6 months).

Many thanks to all those who have contributed so far, especially
Joe Othmer @ Bell Labs and Bill Sommerfeld @ MIT.  I am glad that I
could have contributed something that has been useful.

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