MicroEmacs (3 of 7)

Curt Jutzi jutz at pogo.UUCP
Fri Mar 21 03:13:59 AEST 1986

        buf[width] = 0;                         /* End of string.       */
        while (num >= 10) {                     /* Conditional digits.  */
                buf[--width] = (num%10) + '0';
                num /= 10;
        buf[--width] = num + '0';               /* Always 1 digit.      */
        while (width != 0)                      /* Pad with blanks.     */
                buf[--width] = ' ';

 * The argument "text" points to
 * a string. Append this line to the
 * buffer list buffer. Handcraft the EOL
 * on the end. Return TRUE if it worked and
 * FALSE if you ran out of room.
char    *text;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;
        register int    ntext;

        ntext = strlen(text);
        if ((lp=lalloc(ntext)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);
        for (i=0; i<ntext; ++i)
                lputc(lp, i, text[i]);
        blistp->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = lp;       /* Hook onto the end    */
        lp->l_bp = blistp->b_linep->l_bp;
        blistp->b_linep->l_bp = lp;
        lp->l_fp = blistp->b_linep;
        if (blistp->b_dotp == blistp->b_linep)  /* If "." is at the end */
                blistp->b_dotp = lp;            /* move it to new line  */
        return (TRUE);

 * Look through the list of
 * buffers. Return TRUE if there
 * are any changed buffers. Buffers
 * that hold magic internal stuff are
 * not considered; who cares if the
 * list of buffer names is hacked.
 * Return FALSE if no buffers
 * have been changed.
        register BUFFER *bp;

        bp = bheadp;
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP)==0 && (bp->b_flag&BFCHG)!=0)
                        return (TRUE);
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        return (FALSE);

 * Find a buffer, by name. Return a pointer
 * to the BUFFER structure associated with it. If
 * the named buffer is found, but is a TEMP buffer (like
 * the buffer list) conplain. If the buffer is not found
 * and the "cflag" is TRUE, create it. The "bflag" is
 * the settings for the flags in in buffer.
bfind(bname, cflag, bflag)
register char   *bname;
        register BUFFER *bp;
        register LINE   *lp;

        bp = bheadp;
        while (bp != NULL) {
                if (strcmp(bname, bp->b_bname) == 0) {
                        if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) != 0) {
                                mlwrite("Cannot select builtin buffer");
                                return (NULL);
                        return (bp);
                bp = bp->b_bufp;
        if (cflag != FALSE) {
                if ((bp=(BUFFER *)malloc(sizeof(BUFFER))) == NULL)
                        return (NULL);
                if ((lp=lalloc(0)) == NULL) {
                        free((char *) bp);
                        return (NULL);
                bp->b_bufp  = bheadp;
                bheadp = bp;
                bp->b_dotp  = lp;
                bp->b_doto  = 0;
                bp->b_markp = NULL;
                bp->b_marko = 0;
                bp->b_flag  = bflag;
                bp->b_nwnd  = 0;
                bp->b_linep = lp;
                strcpy(bp->b_fname, "");
                strcpy(bp->b_bname, bname);
                lp->l_fp = lp;
                lp->l_bp = lp;
        return (bp);

 * This routine blows away all of the text
 * in a buffer. If the buffer is marked as changed
 * then we ask if it is ok to blow it away; this is
 * to save the user the grief of losing text. The
 * window chain is nearly always wrong if this gets
 * called; the caller must arrange for the updates
 * that are required. Return TRUE if everything
 * looks good.
register BUFFER *bp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    s;
        if ((bp->b_flag&BFTEMP) == 0            /* Not scratch buffer.  */
        && (bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0              /* Something changed    */
        && (s=mlyesno("Discard changes")) != TRUE)
                return (s);
        bp->b_flag  &= ~BFCHG;                  /* Not changed          */
        while ((lp=lforw(bp->b_linep)) != bp->b_linep)
        bp->b_dotp  = bp->b_linep;              /* Fix "."              */
        bp->b_doto  = 0;
        bp->b_markp = NULL;                     /* Invalidate "mark"    */
        bp->b_marko = 0;
        return (TRUE);

/* This routine takes a line of text and a buffer pointer
 * and places the line of text into the buffer and appends
 * a CR-LF to the end of the text string


  char *text;
  BUFFER *bp;

  register int	ntext;
  register LINE *lp;
  register int  i;

        ntext = strlen(text);
        if ((lp=lalloc(ntext)) == NULL)
                return (FALSE);

        for (i=0; i<ntext; ++i)
	  if (text[i] == '\n')
		lputc(lp, i, text[i]);

        bp->b_linep->l_bp->l_fp = lp;       	/* Hook onto the end    */
        lp->l_bp = bp->b_linep->l_bp;
        bp->b_linep->l_bp = lp;
        lp->l_fp = bp->b_linep;
        if (bp->b_dotp == bp->b_linep)  	/* If "." is at the end */
                bp->b_dotp = lp;            	/* move it to new line  */
        return (TRUE);
 * The routines in this file
 * provide support for VT52 style terminals
 * over a serial line. The serial I/O services are
 * provided by routines in "termio.c". It compiles
 * into nothing if not a VT52 style device. The
 * bell on the VT52 is terrible, so the "beep"
 * routine is conditionalized on defining BEL.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     VT52

#define NROW    24                      /* Screen size.                 */
#define NCOL    80                      /* Edit if you want to.         */
#define BIAS    0x20                    /* Origin 0 coordinate bias.    */
#define ESC     0x1B                    /* ESC character.               */
#define BEL     0x07                    /* ascii bell character         */

extern  int     ttopen();               /* Forward references.          */
extern  int     ttgetc();
extern  int     ttputc();
extern  int     ttflush();
extern  int     ttclose();
extern  int     vt52move();
extern  int     vt52eeol();
extern  int     vt52eeop();
extern  int     vt52beep();
extern  int     vt52open();

 * Dispatch table. All the
 * hard fields just point into the
 * terminal I/O code.
TERM    term    = {

vt52move(row, col)



#ifdef  BEL


#if     V7
        register char *cp;
        char *getenv();

        if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) {
                puts("Shell variable TERM not defined!");
        if (strcmp(cp, "vt52") != 0 && strcmp(cp, "z19") != 0) {
                puts("Terminal type not 'vt52'or 'z19' !");
 * The routines in this file implement commands that work word at a time.
 * There are all sorts of word mode commands. If I do any sentence and/or
 * paragraph mode commands, they are likely to be put in this file.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

/* Word wrap on n-spaces. Back-over whatever precedes the point on the current
 * line and stop on the first word-break or the beginning of the line. If we
 * reach the beginning of the line, jump back to the end of the word and start
 * a new line.  Otherwise, break the line at the word-break, eat it, and jump
 * back to the end of the word.
 *      NOTE:  This function may leaving trailing blanks.
 * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on errors.
int n;
        register int cnt, oldp;
        oldp = curwp->w_dotp;
        cnt = -1;
        do {                            
                if (! backchar(NULL, 1))
        while (! inword());
        if (! backword(NULL, 1))
        if (oldp == (int) (curwp->w_dotp && curwp->w_doto)) {
                if (! backdel(NULL, 1))
                if (! newline(NULL, 1))
        return(forwword(NULL, 1) && forwchar(NULL, cnt));
 * Move the cursor backward by "n" words. All of the details of motion are
 * performed by the "backchar" and "forwchar" routines. Error if you try to
 * move beyond the buffers.
backword(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (forwword(f, -n));
        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (forwchar(FALSE, 1));

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. All of the motion
 * is done by "forwchar". Error if you try and move beyond the buffer's end.
forwword(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (backword(f, -n));
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move,
 * convert any characters to upper case. Error if you try and move beyond the
 * end of the buffer. Bound to "M-U".
upperword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='a' && c<='z') {
                                c -= 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move
 * convert characters to lower case. Error if you try and move over the end of
 * the buffer. Bound to "M-L".
lowerword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='A' && c<='Z') {
                                c += 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Move the cursor forward by the specified number of words. As you move
 * convert the first character of the word to upper case, and subsequent
 * characters to lower case. Error if you try and move past the end of the
 * buffer. Bound to "M-C".
capword(f, n)
        register int    c;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                if (inword() != FALSE) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                        if (c>='a' && c<='z') {
                                c -= 'a'-'A';
                                lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                        while (inword() != FALSE) {
                                c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
                                if (c>='A' && c<='Z') {
                                        c += 'a'-'A';
                                        lputc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto, c);
                                if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Kill forward by "n" words. Remember the location of dot. Move forward by
 * the right number of words. Put dot back where it was and issue the kill
 * command for the right number of characters. Bound to "M-D".
delfword(f, n)
        register int    size;
        register LINE   *dotp;
        register int    doto;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        dotp = curwp->w_dotp;
        doto = curwp->w_doto;
        size = 0;
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        curwp->w_dotp = dotp;
        curwp->w_doto = doto;
        return (ldelete(size, TRUE));

 * Kill backwards by "n" words. Move backwards by the desired number of words,
 * counting the characters. When dot is finally moved to its resting place,
 * fire off the kill command. Bound to "M-Rubout" and to "M-Backspace".
delbword(f, n)
        register int    size;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        size = 0;
        while (n--) {
                while (inword() == FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
                while (inword() != FALSE) {
                        if (backchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                return (FALSE);
        if (forwchar(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                return (FALSE);
        return (ldelete(size, TRUE));

 * Return TRUE if the character at dot is a character that is considered to be
 * part of a word. The word character list is hard coded. Should be setable.
        register int    c;

        if (curwp->w_doto == llength(curwp->w_dotp))
                return (FALSE);
        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto);
        if (c>='a' && c<='z')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c>='A' && c<='Z')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c>='0' && c<='9')
                return (TRUE);
        if (c=='$' || c=='_')                   /* For identifiers      */
                return (TRUE);
        return (FALSE);
 * The functions in this file handle redisplay. There are two halves, the
 * ones that update the virtual display screen, and the ones that make the
  * physical display screen the same as the virtual display screen. These
 * functions use hints that are left in the windows by the commands.
 * ?    Steve Wilhite, 1-Dec-85
 *      - massive cleanup on code.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#define WFDEBUG 0                       /* Window flag debug. */

typedef struct  VIDEO {
        short   v_flag;                 /* Flags */
        char    v_text[1];              /* Screen data. */
}       VIDEO;

#define VFCHG   0x0001                  /* Changed. */

int     sgarbf  = TRUE;                 /* TRUE if screen is garbage */
int     mpresf  = FALSE;                /* TRUE if message in last line */
int     vtrow   = 0;                    /* Row location of SW cursor */
int     vtcol   = 0;                    /* Column location of SW cursor */
int     ttrow   = HUGE;                 /* Row location of HW cursor */
int     ttcol   = HUGE;                 /* Column location of HW cursor */

VIDEO   **vscreen;                      /* Virtual screen. */
VIDEO   **pscreen;                      /* Physical screen. */

 * Initialize the data structures used by the display code. The edge vectors
 * used to access the screens are set up. The operating system's terminal I/O
 * channel is set up. All the other things get initialized at compile time.
 * The original window has "WFCHG" set, so that it will get completely
 * redrawn on the first call to "update".
    register int i;
    register VIDEO *vp;

    vscreen = (VIDEO **) malloc(term.t_nrow*sizeof(VIDEO *));

    if (vscreen == NULL)

    pscreen = (VIDEO **) malloc(term.t_nrow*sizeof(VIDEO *));

    if (pscreen == NULL)

    for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
        vp = (VIDEO *) malloc(sizeof(VIDEO)+term.t_ncol);

        if (vp == NULL)

        vscreen[i] = vp;
        vp = (VIDEO *) malloc(sizeof(VIDEO)+term.t_ncol);

        if (vp == NULL)

        pscreen[i] = vp;

 * Clean up the virtual terminal system, in anticipation for a return to the
 * operating system. Move down to the last line and clear it out (the next
 * system prompt will be written in the line). Shut down the channel to the
 * terminal.
    movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);

 * Set the virtual cursor to the specified row and column on the virtual
 * screen. There is no checking for nonsense values; this might be a good
 * idea during the early stages.
vtmove(row, col)
    vtrow = row;
    vtcol = col;

 * Write a character to the virtual screen. The virtual row and column are
 * updated. If the line is too long put a "$" in the last column. This routine
 * only puts printing characters into the virtual terminal buffers. Only
 * column overflow is checked.
    int c;
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];

    if (vtcol >= term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[term.t_ncol - 1] = '$';
    else if (c == '\t')
            vtputc(' ');
        while ((vtcol&0x07) != 0);
    else if (c < 0x20 || c == 0x7F)
        vtputc(c ^ 0x40);
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = c;                

 * Write a character to the virtual screen. The virtual row and column are
 * updated. If the line is too long put a "$" in the last column. This routine
 * only puts printing characters into the virtual terminal buffers. Only
 * column overflow is checked.  If 'c' is a ctl char it is put directly into
 * the buffer as is.  Tabs are sent as tabs also.
    int c;
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];

    if (vtcol >= term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[term.t_ncol - 1] = '$';
    else if (c == '\t')
            vtputc(' ');
        while ((vtcol&0x07) != 0);
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = c;                

 * Erase from the end of the software cursor to the end of the line on which
 * the software cursor is located.
    register VIDEO      *vp;

    vp = vscreen[vtrow];
    while (vtcol < term.t_ncol)
        vp->v_text[vtcol++] = ' ';

 * Make sure that the display is right. This is a three part process. First,
 * scan through all of the windows looking for dirty ones. Check the framing,
 * and refresh the screen. Second, make sure that "currow" and "curcol" are
 * correct for the current window. Third, make the virtual and physical
 * screens the same.
    register LINE *lp;
    register WINDOW *wp;
    register VIDEO *vp1;
    register VIDEO *vp2;
    register int i;
    register int j;
    register int c;

    wp = wheadp;

    while (wp != NULL)
        /* Look at any window with update flags set on. */

        if (wp->w_flag != 0)
            /* If not force reframe, check the framing. */

            if ((wp->w_flag & WFFORCE) == 0)
                lp = wp->w_linep;

                for (i = 0; i < wp->w_ntrows; ++i)
                    if (lp == wp->w_dotp)
                        goto out;

                    if (lp == wp->w_bufp->b_linep)

                    lp = lforw(lp);

            /* Not acceptable, better compute a new value for the line at the
             * top of the window. Then set the "WFHARD" flag to force full
             * redraw.
            i = wp->w_force;

            if (i > 0)

                if (i >= wp->w_ntrows)
                  i = wp->w_ntrows-1;
            else if (i < 0)
                i += wp->w_ntrows;

                if (i < 0)
                    i = 0;
                i = wp->w_ntrows/2;

            lp = wp->w_dotp;

            while (i != 0 && lback(lp) != wp->w_bufp->b_linep)
                lp = lback(lp);

            wp->w_linep = lp;
            wp->w_flag |= WFHARD;       /* Force full. */

            /* Try to use reduced update. Mode line update has its own special
             * flag. The fast update is used if the only thing to do is within
             * the line editing.
            lp = wp->w_linep;
            i = wp->w_toprow;

            if ((wp->w_flag & ~WFMODE) == WFEDIT)
                while (lp != wp->w_dotp)
                    lp = lforw(lp);

                vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
                vtmove(i, 0);

                for (j = 0; j < llength(lp); ++j)
                    vtputc(lgetc(lp, j)); 

	     if ((wp->w_flag & (WFEDIT | WFHARD)) != 0)
                while (i < wp->w_toprow+wp->w_ntrows)
                    vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
                    vtmove(i, 0);

                    if (lp != wp->w_bufp->b_linep)
                        for (j = 0; j < llength(lp); ++j)
                            vtputc(lgetc(lp, j));

                        lp = lforw(lp);

            if ((wp->w_flag&WFMODE) != 0)

            wp->w_flag  = 0;
            wp->w_force = 0;

        wp->w_flag =  0;
        wp->w_force = 0;

        wp = wp->w_wndp;

    /* Always recompute the row and column number of the hardware cursor. This
     * is the only update for simple moves.
    lp = curwp->w_linep;
    currow = curwp->w_toprow;

    while (lp != curwp->w_dotp)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    curcol = 0;
    i = 0;

    while (i < curwp->w_doto)
        c = lgetc(lp, i++);

        if (c == '\t')
            curcol |= 0x07;
        else if (c < 0x20 || c == 0x7F)


    if (curcol >= term.t_ncol)          /* Long line. */
        curcol = term.t_ncol-1;

    /* Special hacking if the screen is garbage. Clear the hardware screen,
     * and update your copy to agree with it. Set all the virtual screen
     * change bits, to force a full update.
    if (sgarbf != FALSE)
        for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
            vscreen[i]->v_flag |= VFCHG;
            vp1 = pscreen[i];
            for (j = 0; j < term.t_ncol; ++j)
                vp1->v_text[j] = ' ';

        movecursor(0, 0);               /* Erase the screen. */
        sgarbf = FALSE;                 /* Erase-page clears */
        mpresf = FALSE;                 /* the message area. */

    /* Make sure that the physical and virtual displays agree. Unlike before,
     * the "updateline" code is only called with a line that has been updated
     * for sure.
    for (i = 0; i < term.t_nrow; ++i)
        vp1 = vscreen[i];

        if ((vp1->v_flag&VFCHG) != 0)
            vp1->v_flag &= ~VFCHG;
            vp2 = pscreen[i];
            updateline(i, &vp1->v_text[0], &vp2->v_text[0]);

    /* Finally, update the hardware cursor and flush out buffers. */

    movecursor(currow, curcol);

 * Update a single line. This does not know how to use insert or delete
 * character sequences; we are using VT52 functionality. Update the physical
 * row and column variables. It does try an exploit erase to end of line. The
 * RAINBOW version of this routine uses fast video.
updateline(row, vline, pline)
    char vline[];
    char pline[];
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register int nch;

    cp1 = &vline[0];                    /* Use fast video. */
    cp2 = &pline[0];
    putline(row+1, 1, cp1);
    nch = term.t_ncol;

        *cp2 = *cp1;
    while (--nch);
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register char *cp3;
    register char *cp4;
    register char *cp5;
    register int nbflag;

    cp1 = &vline[0];                    /* Compute left match.  */
    cp2 = &pline[0];

    while (cp1!=&vline[term.t_ncol] && cp1[0]==cp2[0])

    /* This can still happen, even though we only call this routine on changed
     * lines. A hard update is always done when a line splits, a massive
     * change is done, or a buffer is displayed twice. This optimizes out most
     * of the excess updating. A lot of computes are used, but these tend to
     * be hard operations that do a lot of update, so I don't really care.
    if (cp1 == &vline[term.t_ncol])             /* All equal. */

    nbflag = FALSE;
    cp3 = &vline[term.t_ncol];          /* Compute right match. */
    cp4 = &pline[term.t_ncol];

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