any lisp for the apple II or IIe

James A. Mullens jcm at ORNL-MSR.ARPA
Mon Mar 24 04:37:24 AEST 1986

There was/is a decent LISP for native Apple II called P-LISP by Pegasys
Systems, Inc, 4005 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 215/387-1500.

For the adventuresome, LISP interpreter sources were published in Byte
(Aug 79 for 6800 CPU) and Dr. Dobb's (No. 30 for 8080 CPU).  If you have
the plug-in 6800 or Z80 boards for Apple, you could run these.  I actually
ran the 8080 version on my Apple without a Z80 CPU, using a program which
interpreted 8080 machine code for the 6502!  I didn't even try to do
any work with this, I just wanted to see it run (er, crawl).

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