PDFORTH for the ST - Part 3

Steve Tynor tynor at gitpyr.UUCP
Wed Mar 19 04:32:11 AEST 1986

In article <11700025 at iuvax.UUCP> franco at iuvax.UUCP writes:
>MV#J Z[ZW0\MO#BV%W<?8!6+K@"#WG1U:&*_M\^EOJ31Q@=@Z at .N^MT-+T0XM
>MA=W'V 5BZX @]YT=6BYW_'SZ6RI-7""V#N"Z[^W0<J%#2V'W,7:!V#H at R'UG

etc, etc., etc.

Thanks for posting these programs, but could I suggest that you mention the
encoding scheme that you used?  I assume that it's uuencode, but I can't be
sure since there are so many encode/decode schemes out there...

Also, could you post a 2 or three sentence description of what the programs
do and how to get them onto my ST?

Eschew Obfuscation.
    Steve Tynor
    Georgia Instutute of Technology

 ...{akgua, allegra, amd, harpo, hplabs,
     ihnp4, masscomp, ut-ngp, rlgvax, sb1,
     uf-cgrl, unmvax, ut-sally}  !gatech!gitpyr!tynor

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