MicroEmacs (5 of 7)

Curt Jutzi jutz at pogo.UUCP
Fri Mar 21 03:16:02 AEST 1986


        if (! tabsize)
                return(linsert(1, '\t'));
        return(linsert(tabsize - (getccol(FALSE) % tabsize), ' '));

 * Open up some blank space. The basic plan is to insert a bunch of newlines,
 * and then back up over them. Everything is done by the subcommand
 * procerssors. They even handle the looping. Normally this is bound to "C-O".
openline(f, n)
        register int    i;
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        if (n == 0)
                return (TRUE);
        i = n;                                  /* Insert newlines.     */
        do {
                s = lnewline();
        } while (s==TRUE && --i);
        if (s == TRUE)                          /* Then back up overtop */
                s = backchar(f, n);             /* of them all.         */
        return (s);

 * Insert a newline. Bound to "C-M". If you are at the end of the line and the
 * next line is a blank line, just move into the blank line. This makes "C-O"
 * and "C-X C-O" work nicely, and reduces the ammount of screen update that
 * has to be done. This would not be as critical if screen update were a lot
 * more efficient.
newline(f, n)
        int nicol;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                lp = curwp->w_dotp;
                if (llength(lp) == curwp->w_doto
                && lp != curbp->b_linep
                && llength(lforw(lp)) == 0) {
                        if ((s=forwchar(FALSE, 1)) != TRUE)
                                return (s);
                } else if ((s=lnewline()) != TRUE)
                        return (s);
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete blank lines around dot. What this command does depends if dot is
 * sitting on a blank line. If dot is sitting on a blank line, this command
 * deletes all the blank lines above and below the current line. If it is
 * sitting on a non blank line then it deletes all of the blank lines after
 * the line. Normally this command is bound to "C-X C-O". Any argument is
 * ignored.
deblank(f, n)
        register LINE   *lp1;
        register LINE   *lp2;
        register int    nld;

        lp1 = curwp->w_dotp;
        while (llength(lp1)==0 && (lp2=lback(lp1))!=curbp->b_linep)
                lp1 = lp2;
        lp2 = lp1;
        nld = 0;
        while ((lp2=lforw(lp2))!=curbp->b_linep && llength(lp2)==0)
        if (nld == 0)
                return (TRUE);
        curwp->w_dotp = lforw(lp1);
        curwp->w_doto = 0;
        return (ldelete(nld));

 * Insert a newline, then enough tabs and spaces to duplicate the indentation
 * of the previous line. Assumes tabs are every eight characters. Quite simple.
 * Figure out the indentation of the current line. Insert a newline by calling
 * the standard routine. Insert the indentation by inserting the right number
 * of tabs and spaces. Return TRUE if all ok. Return FALSE if one of the
 * subcomands failed. Normally bound to "C-J".
indent(f, n)
        register int    nicol;
        register int    c;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                nicol = 0;
                for (i=0; i<llength(curwp->w_dotp); ++i) {
                        c = lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, i);
                        if (c!=' ' && c!='\t')
                        if (c == '\t')
                                nicol |= 0x07;
                if (lnewline() == FALSE
                || ((i=nicol/8)!=0 && linsert(i, '\t')==FALSE)
                || ((i=nicol%8)!=0 && linsert(i,  ' ')==FALSE))
                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * Delete forward. This is real easy, because the basic delete routine does
 * all of the work. Watches for negative arguments, and does the right thing.
 * If any argument is present, it kills rather than deletes, to prevent loss
 * of text if typed with a big argument. Normally bound to "C-D".
forwdel(f, n)
        if (n < 0)
                return (backdel(f, -n));
        if (f != FALSE) {                       /* Really a kill.       */
                if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)
                thisflag |= CFKILL;
        return (ldelete(n, f));

 * Delete backwards. This is quite easy too, because it's all done with other
 * functions. Just move the cursor back, and delete forwards. Like delete
 * forward, this actually does a kill if presented with an argument. Bound to
 * both "RUBOUT" and "C-H".
backdel(f, n)
        register int    s;

        if (n < 0)
                return (forwdel(f, -n));
        if (f != FALSE) {                       /* Really a kill.       */
                if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)
                thisflag |= CFKILL;
        if ((s=backchar(f, n)) == TRUE)
                s = ldelete(n, f);
        return (s);

 * Kill text. If called without an argument, it kills from dot to the end of
 * the line, unless it is at the end of the line, when it kills the newline.
 * If called with an argument of 0, it kills from the start of the line to dot.
 * If called with a positive argument, it kills from dot forward over that
 * number of newlines. If called with a negative argument it kills backwards
 * that number of newlines. Normally bound to "C-K".
kill(f, n)
        register int    chunk;
        register LINE   *nextp;

        if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)             /* Clear kill buffer if */
                kdelete();                      /* last wasn't a kill.  */
        thisflag |= CFKILL;
        if (f == FALSE) {
                chunk = llength(curwp->w_dotp)-curwp->w_doto;
                if (chunk == 0)
                        chunk = 1;
        } else if (n == 0) {
                chunk = curwp->w_doto;
                curwp->w_doto = 0;
        } else if (n > 0) {
                chunk = llength(curwp->w_dotp)-curwp->w_doto+1;
                nextp = lforw(curwp->w_dotp);
                while (--n) {
                        if (nextp == curbp->b_linep)
                                return (FALSE);
                        chunk += llength(nextp)+1;
                        nextp = lforw(nextp);
        } else {
                mlwrite("neg kill");
                return (FALSE);
        return (ldelete(chunk, TRUE));

 * Yank text back from the kill buffer. This is really easy. All of the work
 * is done by the standard insert routines. All you do is run the loop, and
 * check for errors. Bound to "C-Y". The blank lines are inserted with a call
 * to "newline" instead of a call to "lnewline" so that the magic stuff that
 * happens when you type a carriage return also happens when a carriage return
 * is yanked back from the kill buffer.
yank(f, n)
        register int    c;
        register int    i;
        extern   int    kused;

        if (n < 0)
                return (FALSE);
        while (n--) {
                i = 0;
                while ((c=kremove(i)) >= 0) {
                        if (c == '\n') {
                                if (newline(FALSE, 1) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
                        } else {
                                if (linsert(1, c) == FALSE)
                                        return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

 * The functions in this file implement commands that search in the forward
 * and backward directions. There are no special characters in the search
 * strings. Probably should have a regular expression search, or something
 * like that.
 * ?    Steve Wilhite, 1-Dec-85
 *      - massive cleanup on code.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Search forward. Get a search string from the user, and search, beginning at
 * ".", for the string. If found, reset the "." to be just after the match
 * string, and [perhaps] repaint the display. Bound to "C-S".
forwsearch(f, n)
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE*tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;

    if ((s = readpattern("Search")) != TRUE)
        return (s);

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    while (clp != curbp->b_linep)
        if (cbo == llength(clp))
            clp = lforw(clp);
            cbo = 0;
            c = '\n';
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo++);

        if (eq(c, pat[0]) != FALSE)
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = &pat[1];

            while (*pp != 0)
                if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                    goto fail;

                if (tbo == llength(tlp))
                    tlp = lforw(tlp);
                    tbo = 0;
                    c = '\n';
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo++);

                if (eq(c, *pp++) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
            return (TRUE);

    mlwrite("Not found");
    return (FALSE);

 * Reverse search. Get a search string from the user, and search, starting at
 * "." and proceeding toward the front of the buffer. If found "." is left
 * pointing at the first character of the pattern [the last character that was
 j matched]. Bound to "C-R".
backsearch(f, n)
    register LINE *clp;
    register int cbo;
    register LINE *tlp;
    register int tbo;
    register int c;
    register char *epp;
    register char *pp;
    register int s;

    if ((s = readpattern("Reverse search")) != TRUE)
        return (s);

    for (epp = &pat[0]; epp[1] != 0; ++epp)

    clp = curwp->w_dotp;
    cbo = curwp->w_doto;

    for (;;)
        if (cbo == 0)
            clp = lback(clp);

            if (clp == curbp->b_linep)
                mlwrite("Not found");
                return (FALSE);

            cbo = llength(clp)+1;

        if (--cbo == llength(clp))
            c = '\n';
            c = lgetc(clp, cbo);

        if (eq(c, *epp) != FALSE)
            tlp = clp;
            tbo = cbo;
            pp  = epp;

            while (pp != &pat[0])
                if (tbo == 0)
                    tlp = lback(tlp);
                    if (tlp == curbp->b_linep)
                        goto fail;

                    tbo = llength(tlp)+1;

                if (--tbo == llength(tlp))
                    c = '\n';
                    c = lgetc(tlp, tbo);

                if (eq(c, *--pp) == FALSE)
                    goto fail;

            curwp->w_dotp  = tlp;
            curwp->w_doto  = tbo;
            curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE;
            return (TRUE);

 * Compare two characters. The "bc" comes from the buffer. It has it's case
 * folded out. The "pc" is from the pattern.
eq(bc, pc)
    int bc;
    int pc;
    if (bc>='a' && bc<='z')
        bc -= 0x20;

    if (pc>='a' && pc<='z')
        pc -= 0x20;
    if (bc == pc)
        return (TRUE);

    return (FALSE);

 * Read a pattern. Stash it in the external variable "pat". The "pat" is not
 * updated if the user types in an empty line. If the user typed an empty line,
 * and there is no old pattern, it is an error. Display the old pattern, in the
 * style of Jeff Lomicka. There is some do-it-yourself control expansion.
    char *prompt;
    register char *cp1;
    register char *cp2;
    register int c;
    register int s;
    char tpat[NPAT+20];

    cp1 = &tpat[0];                     /* Copy prompt */
    cp2 = prompt;

    while ((c = *cp2++) != '\0')
        *cp1++ = c;

    if (pat[0] != '\0')                 /* Old pattern */
        *cp1++ = ' ';
        *cp1++ = '[';
        cp2 = &pat[0];

        while ((c = *cp2++) != 0)
            if (cp1 < &tpat[NPAT+20-6]) /* "??]: \0" */
                if (c<0x20 || c==0x7F) {
                    *cp1++ = '^';
                    c ^= 0x40;
                else if (c == '%')      /* Map "%" to */
                    *cp1++ = c;         /* "%%". */

                *cp1++ = c;

        *cp1++ = ']';

    *cp1++ = ':';                       /* Finish prompt */
    *cp1++ = ' ';
    *cp1++ = '\0';
    s = mlreply(tpat, tpat, NPAT);      /* Read pattern */

    if (s == TRUE)                      /* Specified */
        strcpy(pat, tpat);
    else if (s == FALSE && pat[0] != 0)         /* CR, but old one */
        s = TRUE;

    return (s);

 * Window management. Some of the functions are internal, and some are
 * attached to keys that the user actually types.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

 * Reposition dot in the current window to line "n". If the argument is
 * positive, it is that line. If it is negative it is that line from the
 * bottom. If it is 0 the window is centered (this is what the standard
 * redisplay code does). With no argument it defaults to 1. Bound to M-!.
 * Because of the default, it works like in Gosling.
reposition(f, n)
    curwp->w_force = n;
    curwp->w_flag |= WFFORCE;
    return (TRUE);

 * Refresh the screen. With no argument, it just does the refresh. With an
 * argument it recenters "." in the current window. Bound to "C-L".
refresh(f, n)
    if (f == FALSE)
        sgarbf = TRUE;
        curwp->w_force = 0;             /* Center dot. */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFFORCE;

    return (TRUE);

 * The command make the next window (next => down the screen) the current
 * window. There are no real errors, although the command does nothing if
 * there is only 1 window on the screen. Bound to "C-X C-N".
nextwind(f, n)
    register WINDOW *wp;

    if ((wp = curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
        wp = wheadp;

    curwp = wp;
    curbp = wp->w_bufp;
    if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) 		/* cej if no other windows */
 	return (FALSE);				/* return false 	   */
   	return (TRUE);

 * This command makes the previous window (previous => up the screen) the
 * current window. There arn't any errors, although the command does not do a
 * lot if there is 1 window.
prevwind(f, n)
    register WINDOW *wp1;
    register WINDOW *wp2;

    wp1 = wheadp;
    wp2 = curwp;

    if (wp1 == wp2)
        wp2 = NULL;

    while (wp1->w_wndp != wp2)
        wp1 = wp1->w_wndp;

    curwp = wp1;
    curbp = wp1->w_bufp;
    return (TRUE);

 * This command moves the current window down by "arg" lines. Recompute the
 * top line in the window. The move up and move down code is almost completely
 * the same; most of the work has to do with reframing the window, and picking
 * a new dot. We share the code by having "move down" just be an interface to
 * "move up". Magic. Bound to "C-X C-N".
mvdnwind(f, n)
    int n;
    return (mvupwind(f, -n));

 * Move the current window up by "arg" lines. Recompute the new top line of
 * the window. Look to see if "." is still on the screen. If it is, you win.
 * If it isn't, then move "." to center it in the new framing of the window
 * (this command does not really move "."; it moves the frame). Bound to
 * "C-X C-P".
mvupwind(f, n)
    int n;
    register LINE *lp;
    register int i;

    lp = curwp->w_linep;

    if (n < 0)
        while (n++ && lp!=curbp->b_linep)
            lp = lforw(lp);
        while (n-- && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep)
            lp = lback(lp);

    curwp->w_linep = lp;
    curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD;            /* Mode line is OK. */

    for (i = 0; i < curwp->w_ntrows; ++i)
        if (lp == curwp->w_dotp)
            return (TRUE);
        if (lp == curbp->b_linep)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    lp = curwp->w_linep;
    i  = curwp->w_ntrows/2;

    while (i-- && lp != curbp->b_linep)
        lp = lforw(lp);

    curwp->w_dotp  = lp;
    curwp->w_doto  = 0;
    return (TRUE);

 * This command makes the current window the only window on the screen. Bound
 * to "C-X 1". Try to set the framing so that "." does not have to move on the
 * display. Some care has to be taken to keep the values of dot and mark in
 * the buffer structures right if the distruction of a window makes a buffer
 * become undisplayed.
onlywind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        while (wheadp != curwp) {
                wp = wheadp;
                wheadp = wp->w_wndp;
                if (--wp->w_bufp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        wp->w_bufp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
                free((char *) wp);
        while (curwp->w_wndp != NULL) {
                wp = curwp->w_wndp;
                curwp->w_wndp = wp->w_wndp;
                if (--wp->w_bufp->b_nwnd == 0) {
                        wp->w_bufp->b_dotp  = wp->w_dotp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_doto  = wp->w_doto;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_markp = wp->w_markp;
                        wp->w_bufp->b_marko = wp->w_marko;
                free((char *) wp);
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        i  = curwp->w_toprow;
        while (i!=0 && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep) {
                lp = lback(lp);
        curwp->w_toprow = 0;
        curwp->w_ntrows = term.t_nrow-1;
        curwp->w_linep  = lp;
        curwp->w_flag  |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Split the current window. A window smaller than 3 lines cannot be split.
 * The only other error that is possible is a "malloc" failure allocating the
 * structure for the new window. Bound to "C-X 2".
splitwind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *wp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    ntru;
        register int    ntrl;
        register int    ntrd;
        register WINDOW *wp1;
        register WINDOW *wp2;

        if (curwp->w_ntrows < 3) {
                mlwrite("Cannot split a %d line window", curwp->w_ntrows);
                return (FALSE);
        if ((wp = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW))) == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot allocate WINDOW block");
                return (FALSE);
        ++curbp->b_nwnd;                        /* Displayed twice.     */
        wp->w_bufp  = curbp;
        wp->w_dotp  = curwp->w_dotp;
        wp->w_doto  = curwp->w_doto;
        wp->w_markp = curwp->w_markp;
        wp->w_marko = curwp->w_marko;
        wp->w_flag  = 0;
        wp->w_force = 0;
        ntru = (curwp->w_ntrows-1) / 2;         /* Upper size           */
        ntrl = (curwp->w_ntrows-1) - ntru;      /* Lower size           */
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        ntrd = 0;
        while (lp != curwp->w_dotp) {
                lp = lforw(lp);
        lp = curwp->w_linep;
        if (ntrd <= ntru) {                     /* Old is upper window. */
                if (ntrd == ntru)               /* Hit mode line.       */
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                curwp->w_ntrows = ntru;
                wp->w_wndp = curwp->w_wndp;
                curwp->w_wndp = wp;
                wp->w_toprow = curwp->w_toprow+ntru+1;
                wp->w_ntrows = ntrl;
        } else {                                /* Old is lower window  */
                wp1 = NULL;
                wp2 = wheadp;
                while (wp2 != curwp) {
                        wp1 = wp2;
                        wp2 = wp2->w_wndp;
                if (wp1 == NULL)
                        wheadp = wp;
                        wp1->w_wndp = wp;
                wp->w_wndp   = curwp;
                wp->w_toprow = curwp->w_toprow;
                wp->w_ntrows = ntru;
                ++ntru;                         /* Mode line.           */
                curwp->w_toprow += ntru;
                curwp->w_ntrows  = ntrl;
                while (ntru--)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
        curwp->w_linep = lp;                    /* Adjust the top lines */
        wp->w_linep = lp;                       /* if necessary.        */
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        wp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Enlarge the current window. Find the window that loses space. Make sure it
 * is big enough. If so, hack the window descriptions, and ask redisplay to do
 * all the hard work. You don't just set "force reframe" because dot would
 * move. Bound to "C-X Z".
enlargewind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *adjwp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (shrinkwind(f, -n));
        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Only one window");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((adjwp=curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
                adjwp = wheadp;
                while (adjwp->w_wndp != curwp)
                        adjwp = adjwp->w_wndp;
        if (adjwp->w_ntrows <= n) {
                mlwrite("Impossible change");
                return (FALSE);
        if (curwp->w_wndp == adjwp) {           /* Shrink below.        */
                lp = adjwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lp!=adjwp->w_bufp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                adjwp->w_linep  = lp;
                adjwp->w_toprow += n;
        } else {                                /* Shrink above.        */
                lp = curwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lback(lp)!=curbp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lback(lp);
                curwp->w_linep  = lp;
                curwp->w_toprow -= n;
        curwp->w_ntrows += n;
        adjwp->w_ntrows -= n;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        adjwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Shrink the current window. Find the window that gains space. Hack at the
 * window descriptions. Ask the redisplay to do all the hard work. Bound to
 * "C-X C-Z".
shrinkwind(f, n)
        register WINDOW *adjwp;
        register LINE   *lp;
        register int    i;

        if (n < 0)
                return (enlargewind(f, -n));
        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Only one window");
                return (FALSE);
        if ((adjwp=curwp->w_wndp) == NULL) {
                adjwp = wheadp;
                while (adjwp->w_wndp != curwp)
                        adjwp = adjwp->w_wndp;
        if (curwp->w_ntrows <= n) {
                mlwrite("Impossible change");
                return (FALSE);
        if (curwp->w_wndp == adjwp) {           /* Grow below.          */
                lp = adjwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lback(lp)!=adjwp->w_bufp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lback(lp);
                adjwp->w_linep  = lp;
                adjwp->w_toprow -= n;
        } else {                                /* Grow above.          */
                lp = curwp->w_linep;
                for (i=0; i<n && lp!=curbp->b_linep; ++i)
                        lp = lforw(lp);
                curwp->w_linep  = lp;
                curwp->w_toprow += n;
        curwp->w_ntrows -= n;
        adjwp->w_ntrows += n;
        curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        adjwp->w_flag |= WFMODE|WFHARD;
        return (TRUE);

 * Pick a window for a pop-up. Split the screen if there is only one window.
 * Pick the uppermost window that isn't the current window. An LRU algorithm
 * might be better. Return a pointer, or NULL on error.
        register WINDOW *wp;

        if (wheadp->w_wndp == NULL              /* Only 1 window        */
        && splitwind(FALSE, 0) == FALSE)        /* and it won't split   */
                return (NULL);
        wp = wheadp;                            /* Find window to use   */
        while (wp!=NULL && wp==curwp)
                wp = wp->w_wndp;
        return (wp);

 * This program is in public domain; written by Dave G. Conroy.
 * This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard processing
 * code, for the MicroEMACS screen editor.
 * 1.0  Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
 *      - Removed the old LK201 and VT100 logic. Added code to support the
 *        DEC Rainbow keyboard (which is a LK201 layout) using the the Level
 *        1 Console In ROM INT. See "rainbow.h" for the function key definitions.
 * 2.0  George Jones, 12-Dec-85
 *      - Ported to Amiga.
#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "ed.h"

#if     VMS
#include        <ssdef.h>
#define GOOD    (SS$_NORMAL)

#ifndef GOOD
#define GOOD    0

int     currow;                         /* Working cursor row           */
int     curcol;                         /* Working cursor column        */
int     fillcol;                        /* Current fill column          */
int     thisflag;                       /* Flags, this command          */
int     lastflag;                       /* Flags, last command          */
int     curgoal;                        /* Goal column                  */
BUFFER  *curbp;                         /* Current buffer               */
WINDOW  *curwp;                         /* Current window               */
BUFFER  *bheadp;                        /* BUFFER listhead              */
WINDOW  *wheadp;                        /* WINDOW listhead              */
BUFFER  *blistp;                        /* Buffer list BUFFER           */
short   kbdm[NKBDM] = {CTLX|')'};       /* Macro                        */
short   *kbdmip;                        /* Input  for above             */
short   *kbdmop;                        /* Output for above             */
char    pat[NPAT];                      /* Pattern                      */

typedef struct  {
        short   k_code;                 /* Key code                     */
        int     (*k_fp)();              /* Routine to handle it         */
}       KEYTAB;

extern  int     ctrlg();                /* Abort out of things          */
extern  int     quit();                 /* Quit                         */
extern  int     ctlxlp();               /* Begin macro                  */
extern  int     ctlxrp();               /* End macro                    */
extern  int     ctlxe();                /* Execute macro                */
extern  int     fileread();             /* Get a file, read only        */
extern  int     filevisit();            /* Get a file, read write       */
extern  int     filewrite();            /* Write a file                 */
extern  int     filesave();             /* Save current file            */
extern  int     filename();             /* Adjust file name             */
extern  int     getccol();              /* Get current column           */
extern  int     gotobol();              /* Move to start of line        */
extern  int     forwchar();             /* Move forward by characters   */
extern  int     gotoeol();              /* Move to end of line          */
extern  int     backchar();             /* Move backward by characters  */
extern  int     forwline();             /* Move forward by lines        */
extern  int     backline();             /* Move backward by lines       */
extern  int     forwpage();             /* Move forward by pages        */
extern  int     backpage();             /* Move backward by pages       */
extern  int     gotobob();              /* Move to start of buffer      */
extern  int     gotoeob();              /* Move to end of buffer        */
extern  int     setfillcol();           /* Set fill column.             */
extern  int     setmark();              /* Set mark                     */
extern  int     swapmark();             /* Swap "." and mark            */
extern  int     forwsearch();           /* Search forward               */
extern  int     backsearch();           /* Search backwards             */
extern  int     showcpos();             /* Show the cursor position     */
extern  int     nextwind();             /* Move to the next window      */
extern  int     prevwind();             /* Move to the previous window  */
extern  int     onlywind();             /* Make current window only one */
extern  int     splitwind();            /* Split current window         */
extern  int     mvdnwind();             /* Move window down             */
extern  int     mvupwind();             /* Move window up               */
extern  int     enlargewind();          /* Enlarge display window.      */
extern  int     shrinkwind();           /* Shrink window.               */
extern  int     listbuffers();          /* Display list of buffers      */
extern  int     usebuffer();            /* Switch a window to a buffer  */
extern  int     killbuffer();           /* Make a buffer go away.       */
extern  int     reposition();           /* Reposition window            */
extern  int     refresh();              /* Refresh the screen           */
extern  int     twiddle();              /* Twiddle characters           */
extern  int     tab();                  /* Insert tab                   */
extern  int     newline();              /* Insert CR-LF                 */
extern  int     indent();               /* Insert CR-LF, then indent    */
extern  int     openline();             /* Open up a blank line         */
extern  int     deblank();              /* Delete blank lines           */
extern  int     quote();                /* Insert literal               */
extern  int     backword();             /* Backup by words              */
extern  int     forwword();             /* Advance by words             */
extern  int     forwdel();              /* Forward delete               */
extern  int     backdel();              /* Backward delete              */
extern  int     kill();                 /* Kill forward                 */
extern  int     yank();                 /* Yank back from killbuffer.   */
extern  int     upperword();            /* Upper case word.             */
extern  int     lowerword();            /* Lower case word.             */
extern  int     upperregion();          /* Upper case region.           */
extern  int     lowerregion();          /* Lower case region.           */
extern  int     capword();              /* Initial capitalize word.     */
extern  int     delfword();             /* Delete forward word.         */
extern  int     delbword();             /* Delete backward word.        */
extern  int     killregion();           /* Kill region.                 */
extern  int     copyregion();           /* Copy region to kill buffer.  */
extern  int     spawncli();             /* Run CLI in a subjob.         */
extern  int     spawn();                /* Run a command in a subjob.   */
extern  int     quickexit();            /* low keystroke style exit.    */
extern  int	metacmds();		/* meta commands addec c.jutzi  */

 * Command table.
 * This table  is *roughly* in ASCII order, left to right across the
 * characters of the command. This expains the funny location of the
 * control-X commands.
KEYTAB  keytab[] = {
        CTRL|'@',               setmark,
        CTRL|'A',               gotobol,
        CTRL|'B',               backchar,
        CTRL|'C',               spawncli,      /* Run CLI in subjob.   */
        CTRL|'D',               forwdel,
        CTRL|'E',               gotoeol,
        CTRL|'F',               forwchar,

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