release #2, shar 7 of 7

Todd Brunhoff toddb at tekcrl.UUCP
Wed Mar 12 05:42:29 AEST 1986

# RFS, a kernel-resident remote file system.  Shar 7 of 7
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #!/bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c
#	remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_general.c,v 2.0 85/12/07 18:18:06 toddb Rel $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_general.c,v $
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:18:06  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include	"../h/param.h"
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include	"../machine/pte.h"
X#include	"../h/systm.h"
X#include	"../h/map.h"
X#include	"../h/dir.h"
X#include	"../h/user.h"
X#include	"../h/kernel.h"
X#include	"../h/proc.h"
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/namei.h"
X#else BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/nami.h"
X#endif BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/inode.h"
X#include	"../h/mbuf.h"
X#include	"../h/socket.h"
X#include	"../remote/remotefs.h"
X#include	"../h/errno.h"
X#include	"../netinet/in.h"
X#include	"../h/file.h"
Xextern long	remote_sysindex;
Xextern struct mbuf	*remote_path;
Xextern u_char	remote_sysmap[];
Xextern syscalls	remote_syscall[];
Xextern struct remoteinfo	remote_info[];
X * This routine is the main gateway into the remote software.  It should
X * be called from syscall().  Note that sysnum is already mapped to our
X * idea of the system call number.
X */
X#ifdef pyr	/* Pyramid */
Xremote_startup(pass, sysnum, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
X#else pyr
Xremote_startup(pass, sysnum)
X	long	sysnum, pass;
X	struct a {
X		long	arg1,
X			arg2;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	long	error, sysindex;
X	extern long	remote_fd();
X	register syscalls	*sp = remote_syscall + sysnum;
X	register struct file	*fp;
X	register struct proc	*p;
X	register func	general = sp->sys_gen;
X	register unsigned	fd1,
X				fd2;
X#ifdef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X	long	args[ 6 ];
X	args[0] = arg1;
X	args[1] = arg2;
X	args[2] = arg3;
X	args[3] = arg4;
X	args[4] = arg5;
X	args[5] = arg6;
X	u.u_ap = args;
X	uap = (struct a *) args;
X#endif pyr
X	debug1("%d strt:#%d,pass%d,%s\n",
X		u.u_procp->p_pid, sysnum, pass,
X		pass == 0 ? (!sp->sys_before ? "too soon" : "before") :
X			    (pass == 1       ? "do it"    : "too late"));
X	/*
X	 * For the greatest of speed we check here for invalid or non-
X	 * remote file descriptors.  Make sure that we let a dup2() go
X	 * through, even if the first fd is non-remote.
X	 */
X	if (general == remote_fd) {
X		/*
X		 * Gross kludge from v7 for the bourne shell.
X		 */
X		fd1 = uap->arg1;
X		if (sysnum == RSYS_dup && (fd1 &~ 077)) {
X			fd1 &= 077;
X			sysnum = RSYS_dup2;
X		}
X		error = 2;
X		if (fd1 >= NOFILE
X		|| (fp = u.u_ofile[fd1]) == NULL
X		|| (fp->f_flag & FREMOTE) == 0)
X			error--;
X		if (sysnum != RSYS_dup2)
X			error--;
X		else {
X			fd2 = uap->arg2;
X			if (fd2 >= NOFILE
X			|| (fp = u.u_ofile[fd2]) == NULL
X			|| (fp->f_flag & FREMOTE) == 0)
X				error--;
X		}
X		if (! error)
X			return(FALSE);
X		uap->arg1 = fd1;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Check to see if this is being done too soon.  Note that this is
X	 * on the else side of the check for remote_fd.  i.e., this code
X	 * assumes that remote_fd() routines should always be done before
X	 * the real routines.
X	 */
X	else if (pass == 0) {
X		u.u_rmtoffset[0] = -1;
X		u.u_rmtoffset[1] = -1;
X		if (! sp->sys_before)
X			return(FALSE);
X	}
X	else if (pass > 1) {
X		u.u_error = EISREMOTE;
X		return(TRUE);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * finally, if the user has turned off remote access for himself,
X	 * then just return.
X	 */
X	p = u.u_procp;
X	if (p->p_flag & SNOREMOTE)
X		return(FALSE);
X	u.u_error = 0;
X	/*
X	 * do the remote syscall.
X	 */
X	error = (*general)(sysnum);
X	debug1("%d startup done: ret1=%d, ret2=%d, err=%d\n",
X		u.u_procp->p_pid, u.u_r.r_val1, u.u_r.r_val2, error);
X	if (error < 0)	/* call the real system call */
X		return(FALSE);
X	u.u_error = error;
X	return(TRUE);
X * This routine handles most system calls that have no special requirements
X * and have a single path in their first argument.
X */
X	int	sysnum;
X	struct a {
X		char	*path;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	long	sysindex, len;
X	struct message *msg;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	register syscalls	*sp = remote_syscall + sysnum;
X	register long		error;
X	/*
X	 * Get the path mbuf chain and its length.  Also the remote sys #.
X	 */
X	if ((m = remote_path) == NULL)
X		return(ENOBUFS);
X	for (len=0; m; m = m->m_next)
X		len += m->m_len;
X	m = remote_path;
X	remote_path = NULL;
X	sysindex = remote_sysindex;
X	/*
X	 * Initialize the message and call the specific syscall handler.
X	 */
X	msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	introduce(msg, sysnum);
X	msg->m_hdlen = len;
X	error = (*sp->sys_spec)(sysindex, m, sysnum);
X	if (error < 0) {
X		msg = &remote_info[ sysindex ].r_msg;
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X#else BSD4_3
X		u.u_dirp = (caddr_t) u.u_arg[0];
X#endif BSD4_3
X		u.u_rmtoffset[0] = msg->m_args[0];
X		return ( -1 );
X	}
X	return ( error );
X * This routine handles all two-path system calls.
X *
X *	RSYS_link: the placement of path2 determines where
X *		we run the syscall because path2 is the file
X * 		that is created.  Isremote() must also resolve the
X *		path1 so that the remote link will know what file to
X *		link it to.  Both path1 and path2 must be on the same
X *		system.  Unfortunately, in kernel mode, we don't know
X *		which path was found to be remote: we must check both again.
X *	RSYS_rename: Same as RSYS_link.
X *	RSYS_symlink: path2 is the only possible remote file and
X *		path1 does not need to be resolved because symlink()
X *		blindly creats a symbolic link to it.
X */
X	int	sysnum;
X	struct a {
X		char	*path1;
X		char	*path2;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	long	sysindex,
X		len,
X		error;
X	struct message	*msg;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	if ((m = remote_path) == NULL)
X		return(ENOBUFS);
X	/*
X	 * If this is rename or link, then throw away what is in remote_path
X	 * because we don't know which path it refers to .
X	 */
X	remote_path = NULL;
X	if (sysnum != RSYS_symlink) {
X		m_freem(m);
X		m = NULL;
X		sysindex = rmt_checkpath(uap->path2, &m, sysnum);
X		if (sysindex < 0)
X			return(-1);
X	}
X	else
X		sysindex = remote_sysindex;
X	/*
X	 * Ok, path2 is now safely in our mbuf.  Set the PATHOFF field for
X	 * the beginning of where path1 will be.
X	 */
X	msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	introduce_1extra(msg, sysnum, u.u_cmask);
X	msg->m_args[ R_PATHOFF ] = htonl(msg->m_hdlen);
X	/*
X	 * If its a symbolic link, we can just copy the path onto the
X	 * end of our mbuf chain.
X	 */
X	if (sysnum == RSYS_symlink) {
X		error = rmt_copypath(uap->path1, m, TRUE);
X		if (error) {
X			m_freem(m);
X			return(error);
X		}
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Link and rename have to have path1 on the same system as path2.
X	 */
X	else if (rmt_checkpath(uap->path1, &m, sysnum) != sysindex) {
X		m_freem(m);
X		return(-1);
X	}
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0);
X	if(error < 0)
X		if (sysnum != RSYS_rename && sysnum != RSYS_link) {
X			msg = &remote_info[ sysindex ].r_msg;
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X#else BSD4_3
X			u.u_dirp = (caddr_t) u.u_arg[0];
X#endif BSD4_3
X			u.u_rmtoffset[0] = msg->m_args[0];
X			u.u_rmtoffset[1] = ntohl(msg->m_args[1]);
X			return ( -1 );
X		}
X		else
X			error = EISREMOTE;
X	return( error );
X * Check a remote file for its "remoteness".  After namei() is called (in
X * the kernel) and isremote() is called as a result, we can get the result
X * from remote_path and put it on the end of 'mhead'.
X */
Xrmt_checkpath(path, mhead, sysnum)
X	char	*path;
X	struct mbuf	**mhead;
X	long	sysnum;
X	char	*psrc, *pdest;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message	*msg;
X	long	len;
X	struct inode	*ip;
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	register struct nameidata *ndp = &u.u_nd;
X	long	follow = remote_syscall[ sysnum ].sys_follow ? FOLLOW : 0;
X	ndp->ni_nameiop = LOOKUP | follow;
X	ndp->ni_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE;
X	ndp->ni_dirp = (caddr_t)path;
X	ip = namei(ndp);
X#else BSD4_3
X	u.u_dirp = path;
X	ip = namei(uchar, LOOKUP, remote_syscall[ sysnum ].sys_follow);
X#endif BSD4_3
X	if (ip != NULL || u.u_error != EISREMOTE) {
X		if (ip)
X			iput(ip);
X		return(-1);
X	}
X	u.u_error = 0;
X	if (remote_path == NULL)
X		return(-1);
X	if (*mhead == NULL)
X		*mhead = remote_path;
X	else {
X		/*
X		 * If we were handed an mbuf, then we tack the new string
X		 * of mbufs on the end.  Note that we bump the offset so that
X		 * the mtod(m, char *) points to the beginning of the path.
X		 */
X		for (m = *mhead; m->m_next; )
X			m = m->m_next;
X		m->m_next = remote_path;
X		msg = mtod(remote_path, struct message *);
X		len = msg->m_hdlen - (R_MINRMSG + R_PATHSTART*sizeof(long));
X		remote_path->m_off += R_MINRMSG + R_PATHSTART*sizeof(long);
X		remote_path->m_len -= R_MINRMSG + R_PATHSTART*sizeof(long);
X		msg = mtod(*mhead, struct message *);
X		msg->m_hdlen += len;
X	}
X	remote_path = NULL;
X	return(remote_sysindex);
X * Remote exit()
X */
X	struct remoteinfo	*rp, *rmt_hostdir();
X	struct file	*fp;
X	long	i;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message *msg;
X	/*
X	 * Throw away remote file descriptors.
X	 */
X	for (i=0; i<NOFILE; i++)
X		if ((fp = u.u_ofile[ i ]) && (fp->f_flag & FREMOTE))
X			rmt_deallocfd(i);
X	u.u_procp->p_flag &= ~SREMOTE;
X	if (rp = rmt_hostdir(u.u_cdir, &i))
X		rp->r_nchdir--;
X	/*
X	 * Send the exit message to every remote system to which we
X	 * have a connection.
X	 */
X	for (rp = remote_info, i=0; i<R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rmthostused(i) && rp->r_sock) {
X			/*
X			 * If ours is the last usage of this connection, then
X			 * shut it down.
X			 */
X			debug4("%d off #%d, now %d usrs\n", u.u_procp->p_pid,
X				i, rp->r_users-1); 
X			if (--rp->r_users <= 0 && rp->r_sock) {
X				if (rp->r_close)
X					rmt_shutdown(i);
X				else
X					rmt_closehost(rp);
X				continue;
X			}
X			if (m == NULL)
X				break;
X			msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X			msg->m_hdlen = m->m_len = introduce(msg, RSYS_exit);
X			rmt_msgfin(i, m, RFLG_INFO);
X		}
X	return( -1 ); /* do the real syscall, too */
X * Remote fork()
X */
X	long	sysnum;
X	register long		i, child, pid, ppid, val1;
X	long			rmtdir = u.u_rmtcdir,
X				sysindex;
X	struct message		*msg;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct remoteinfo	*rmt_hostdir();
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	register struct file	*fp;
X	long			rmtsys;	
X	/*
X	 * We may not need to even notify anyone, if this process is not
X	 * doing anything interesting.  If there are no open files or
X	 * a remote current working directory, then do no more.
X	 */
X	rmtcopyhosts(rmtsys, u.u_rmtsys);
X	rmtclearhosts();
X	for (i=0; i<NOFILE; i++) {
X		if ((fp = u.u_ofile[ i ]) && (fp->f_flag & FREMOTE)) {
X			remote_info[ (int)fp->f_data ].r_nfile++;
X			rmtusehost((int)fp->f_data);
X		}
X	}
X	if (rp = rmt_hostdir(u.u_cdir, &sysindex)) {
X		rmtusehost(sysindex);
X		rp->r_nchdir++;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Do the fork.
X	 */
X	if (sysnum == RSYS_vfork)
X		vfork();
X	else
X		fork();
X	val1 = u.u_r.r_val1;
X	child = u.u_r.r_val2;
X	if (u.u_error)
X		child = FALSE;
X	if (u.u_error || u.u_rmtsys == 0)
X		goto done;
X	if (child) {
X		ppid = u.u_procp->p_ppid;
X		pid = u.u_procp->p_pid;
X		u.u_procp->p_flag |= SREMOTE; /* set remote flag in child */
X		u.u_rmtcdir = rmtdir;
X	}
X	else { /* parent */
X		/* "if I am the parent && this is a vfork" */
X		if (sysnum == RSYS_vfork)
X			goto done;
X		ppid = u.u_procp->p_pid;
X		pid = u.u_r.r_val1;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Parent (fork() only) and child tell all remote hosts.
X	 * Also, bump the count of users using all connections.
X	 */
X	for (rp=remote_info, i=0; i<R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rmthostused(i) && rp->r_sock) {
X			if(child)
X				rp->r_users++;
X			debug4("fork: %s %d notify %s(%d), users=%d\n",
X				child ? "chld" : "prnt", u.u_procp->p_pid,
X				rp->r_mntpath, i, rp->r_users);
X			if (m == NULL)
X				continue;
X			msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X			msg->m_hdlen = m->m_len =
X				introduce_2extra(msg, sysnum, pid, ppid);
X			rmt_msgfin(i, m, RFLG_INFO);
X		}
X	/*
X	 * In the kernel, the r_val[12] elements get tromped on by the
X	 * io to the server hosts, so restore them here.
X	 * The 'u.u_error = 0;' is so that we don't run the real syscall
X	 * (already run) and so that any io errors while notifying servers
X	 * don't returned to the user... otherwise he might think the fork
X	 * or vfork failed.
X	 */
X	u.u_r.r_val1 = val1;
X	u.u_r.r_val2 = child;
X	u.u_error = 0;
X	if (! child)
X		rmtcopyhosts(u.u_rmtsys, rmtsys);
X	return(u.u_error);
X * This routine handles most system calls having a file descriptor as
X * its first argument.  We are guarenteed at this point that uap->fd is
X * a valid remote file descriptor.  We optimize for reads and writes.
X */
X	register long	sysnum;
X	struct a {
X		long	fd;
X		char	*buf;
X		long	len;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register long	sysindex, error;
X	register struct message	*msg;
X	register struct mbuf	*m;
X	register syscalls	*sp = remote_syscall + sysnum;
X	register struct file	*fp = u.u_ofile[ uap->fd ];
X	if (m == NULL)
X		return(ENOBUFS);
X	msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	msg->m_hdlen = 0; /* rmt_datafin() or rmt_msgfin() will assign this */
X	m->m_len = introduce_2extra(msg, sysnum, uap->fd, uap->len);
X	sysindex = (long)fp->f_data;
X	error = (*sp->sys_spec)(sysindex, m, sp->sys_flag);
X	if (! error)
X		switch (sysnum) {
X		case RSYS_read:
X		case RSYS_write:
X		case RSYS_readv:
X		case RSYS_writev:
X			fp->f_offset += u.u_r.r_val1;
X			break;
X		}
X	return(error);
X * Deallocate a file descriptor.
X */
X	int	fd;
X	register struct file	*fp;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register unsigned	system;
X	fp = u.u_ofile[fd];
X	u.u_ofile[fd] = NULL;
X	if (fp == NULL
X	|| ((system = (unsigned)fp->f_data) >= R_MAXSYS)) {
X		debug6("dealloc: fp=%x,fd=%d,sys=%d,pid=%d\n",
X			fp, fd, system, u.u_procp->p_pid);
X		return;
X	}
X	remote_info[ (int)fp->f_data ].r_nfile--;
X	closef(fp);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_general.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_generic.c,v 2.4 86/02/17 17:46:07 toddb Exp $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_generic.c,v $
X * Revision 2.4  86/02/17  17:46:07  toddb
X * We no longer stop processing in isremote() if the connection is in
X * the middle of closing.
X * 
X * Revision 2.3  86/02/17  14:36:37  toddb
X * Fix so that the kernel properly reacts to nonexistant hosts
X * on the generic mount point: sockargs() was being called in the
X * remotename() system call (case NM_NAMEIS) even if uap->name was null.
X * Bill Sommerfeld (wesommer at
X * 
X * Revision 2.2  86/01/02  13:52:32  toddb
X * Ifdef'ed calls to sockargs() for the differences in 4.2 vs. 4.3.
X * 
X * Revision 2.1  85/12/30  16:58:59  toddb
X * Isremote() was not freeing it's chain of mbufs if rmt_copypath() failed.
X * Now it does.
X * 
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:18:27  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include "../h/param.h"
X#include "../h/systm.h"
X#include "../h/inode.h"
X#include "../h/dir.h"
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X#include "../h/namei.h"
X#else BSD4_3
X#include "../h/nami.h"
X#endif BSD4_3
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include "../machine/pte.h"
X#include "../h/user.h"
X#include "../h/proc.h"
X#include "../h/buf.h"
X#include "../h/file.h"
X#include "../h/uio.h"
X#include "../h/mbuf.h"
X#include "../h/socket.h"
X#include "../h/socketvar.h"
X#include "../h/errno.h"
X#include "../remote/remotefs.h"
Xextern	long		remote_sysindex;
Xextern struct mbuf	*remote_path;
Xextern struct remoteinfo remote_info[];
Xextern struct remoteinfo *remote_generic;
Xextern struct nameserver	remote_ns;
X * Remote "mount point" definition.
X */
X#ifdef pyr	/* Pyramid */
Xremoteon(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	register struct nameidata *ndp = &u.u_nd;
X#else BSD4_3
X#endif BSD4_3
X	struct a {
X		char	*path;
X		unsigned pathlen;
X		caddr_t	name;
X		unsigned namelen;
X	} ua;
X	register struct a *uap = &ua;
X	register struct inode		*ip;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_findslot(),
X					*rmt_host();
X	register int			error = 0;
X	long				sysnum;
X	struct mbuf *m = NULL;
X	uap->path = (char *)arg1;
X	uap->pathlen = (unsigned)arg2;
X	uap->name = (caddr_t)arg3;
X	uap->namelen = (unsigned)arg4;
X#else pyr
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	register struct nameidata *ndp = &u.u_nd;
X#else BSD4_3
X#endif BSD4_3
X	register struct a {
X		char	*path;
X		unsigned pathlen;
X		caddr_t	name;
X		unsigned namelen;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register struct inode		*ip;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_findslot(),
X					*rmt_host();
X	register int			error = 0;
X	long				sysnum;
X	struct mbuf *m = NULL;
X	if (uap->path == NULL) {
X		u.u_procp->p_flag &= ~SNOREMOTE;
X		return;
X	}
X	if (!suser())
X		return;
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	ndp->ni_nameiop = LOOKUP;
X	ndp->ni_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE;
X	ndp->ni_dirp = (caddr_t)uap->path;
X	ip = namei(ndp);
X#else BSD4_3
X	ip = namei(uchar, LOOKUP, 0);
X#endif BSD4_3
X	debug5("remote on ip=%x,path=%x,pthlen=%d,name=%x,nmlen=%d\n",
X		ip, uap->path, uap->pathlen, uap->name, uap->namelen);
X	if (ip == NULL)
X		return;
X	if (uap->pathlen >= R_MNTPATHLEN)
X		uap->pathlen = R_MNTPATHLEN - 1;
X	/*
X	 * Check for all kinds of errors.
X	 */
X	if (rmt_host(ip, &sysnum) || (uap->name == NULL && remote_generic))
X		error = EBUSY;
X	else if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR)
X		error = EISDIR;
X	else if (uap->name)
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X		error = sockargs(&m, uap->name, uap->namelen, MT_SONAME);
X#else BSD4_3
X		error = sockargs(&m, uap->name, uap->namelen);
X#endif BSD4_3
X	if (error)
X		goto out;
X	/*
X	 * Everything is ok... so put it in our list.
X	 */
X	rp = rmt_findslot(&sysnum);
X	if (rp == NULL)
X	else {
X		debug5("rp=%x, m=%x ip=%x sys=%d\n", rp, m, ip, sysnum);
X		rp->r_mntpt = ip;
X		if ((rp->r_name = m) == NULL)
X			remote_generic = rp;
X		(void)copyin((caddr_t)uap->path, (caddr_t)rp->r_mntpath,
X			MIN(uap->pathlen, R_MNTPATHLEN));
X		u.u_r.r_val1 = sysnum;
X		iunlock(ip);
X		return;
X	}
X	u.u_error = error;
X	iput(ip);
X * Turn off the remote file system.  If the path to unmount is NULL, then
X * turn off all remote access for this process.
X */
X#ifdef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	register struct nameidata *ndp = &u.u_nd;
X#else BSD4_3
X#endif BSD4_3
X	struct a {
X		char	*path;
X	} ua;
X	register struct a *uap = &ua;
X	register struct inode *ip;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_host();
X	long			sysnum;
X	uap->path = (char *)arg1;
X#else pyr
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	register struct nameidata *ndp = &u.u_nd;
X#else BSD4_3
X#endif BSD4_3
X	register struct a {
X		char	*path;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register struct inode *ip;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_host();
X	long			sysnum;
X#endif pyr
X	if (uap->path == NULL) {
X		u.u_procp->p_flag |= SNOREMOTE;
X		return;
X	}
X	if (!suser())
X		return;
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X	ndp->ni_nameiop = LOOKUP;
X	ndp->ni_segflg = UIO_USERSPACE;
X	ndp->ni_dirp = (caddr_t)uap->path;
X	ip = namei(ndp);
X#else BSD4_3
X	ip = namei(uchar, LOOKUP, 0);
X#endif BSD4_3
X	if (ip == NULL || (rp = rmt_host(ip, &sysnum)) == NULL) {
X		if (ip)
X			iput(ip);
X		debug5("remoteoff: nope! ip=%x error=%d\n",
X			ip, u.u_error);
X		u.u_error = EINVAL;
X		return;
X	}
X	debug5("remote off ip=%x\n", ip);
X	iput(ip);
X	/*
X	 * Now try to shut it down. 
X	 */
X	rp->r_close = TRUE;
X	if (u.u_error = rmt_shutdown(sysnum))
X		return;
X	u.u_r.r_val1 = remote_sysindex;
X	/*
X	 * reinitialize the structure for the next time,
X	 * freeing the mbuf and closing the socket.
X	 */
X	rp->r_refcnt = 0;
X	rp->r_nchdir = 0;
X	rp->r_nfile = 0;
X	if (rp->r_mntpt)
X		irele(rp->r_mntpt);
X	rp->r_mntpt = 0;
X	if (rp->r_name)
X		(void)m_free(rp->r_name);
X	else
X		remote_generic = NULL;
X	rp->r_name = 0;
X	return;
X * This provides the nameserver function allowing
X * name information to pass to and from a server and the kernel.
X */
X#ifdef pyr	/* Pyramid */
Xremotename(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
X	struct a {
X		long	action;
X		caddr_t	name;
X		long	namelen;
X		char	*path;
X	} ap;
X	register struct a *uap = ≈
X	register long	error = 0;
X	struct mbuf		*m;
X	register struct proc	*p = u.u_procp;
X	uap->action = (long)arg1;
X	uap->name = (caddr_t)arg2;
X	uap->namelen = (long)arg3;
X	uap->path = (char *)arg4;
X#else pyr
X	register struct a {
X		long	action;
X		caddr_t	name;
X		long	namelen;
X		char	*path;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register long	error = 0;
X	struct mbuf		*m;
X	register struct proc	*p = u.u_procp;
X#endif pyr
X	if ((uap->action == NM_WHATNAME || uap->action == NM_NAMEIS)
X	&& ! server_alive(p))
X		error = EPERM;
X	else switch (uap->action) {
X	case NM_SERVER:		/* register as name server */
X	{
X		struct proc	*p2;
X		short		pid;
X		if (!suser())
X			return;
X		p2 = remote_ns.rn_proc;
X		pid = remote_ns.rn_pid;
X		if (server_alive(p2))
X			error = EBUSY;
X		else {
X			remote_ns.rn_proc = p;
X			remote_ns.rn_pid = p->p_pid;
X		}
X		break;
X	}
X		if (remote_ns.rn_path)
X			error = copyout((caddr_t)remote_ns.rn_path,
X				(caddr_t)uap->path,
X				MIN(uap->namelen, remote_ns.rn_pathlen));
X		else
X			error = ENOREMOTEFS;
X		break;
X	{
X		register char	*cp;
X		m = remote_ns.rn_name;
X		if (m) {
X			debug13("free old mbuf@%x\n", m);
X			m_free(m); /* free extra mbuf */
X			m = remote_ns.rn_name = NULL;
X		}
X		if (uap->name) {
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X		    error = sockargs(&m, uap->name, uap->namelen, MT_SONAME);
X#else BSD4_3
X		    error = sockargs(&m, uap->name, uap->namelen);
X#endif BSD4_3
X		    if (error == 0) {
X			cp = mtod(m, char *) + m->m_len;
X			if (error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->path, (caddr_t)cp,
X			    MIN(R_MNTPATHLEN, MLEN - m->m_len))) {
X				m_free(m);
X				m = NULL;
X			}
X			debug13("nmsrv: %s@%x\n", cp, m);
X		    }
X		}
X		remote_ns.rn_name = m;
X		wakeup(&remote_ns.rn_name);
X		break;
X	}
X	case NM_DEBUG:
X		remote_debug = (long)uap->name;
X		printf("dbg=%d\n", remote_debug);
X		break;
X	default:
X		error = EINVAL;
X		break;
X	}
X	if (error)
X		u.u_error = error;
X * This is the routine called by namei() when it encounters what it thinks
X * might be a remote mount point.
X */
Xisremote(ip, path, base)
X	register struct inode *ip;
X	char		*path, *base;
X	struct remoteinfo *rmt_host(), *rmt_findhost();
X	register short	offset;
X	register struct remoteinfo *rp;
X	register struct mbuf	*m;
X	register struct message	*msg;
X	register int	error;
X	long			sysnum;
X	rp = rmt_host(ip, &sysnum);
X	if (rp == NULL) {
X		debug7("%s, ip=\"%x\" is not remote\n", path, ip);
X		return(FALSE);
X	}
X	if (remote_path)
X		m_freem(remote_path);
X	remote_path = NULL;
X	/*
X	 * Adjust the path so that if there is a leading '/', the path
X	 * will start there.
X	 */
X	if (path != base && *path != '/' && *(path-1) == '/')
X		path--;
X	/*
X	 * Although we know the file is remote, it may have a loop back
X	 * to this side; a simple case being if the path is '..' while
X	 * in the root directory of the remote system.  If this is the case
X	 * then the server will reply with errno == -1, remote_path[12]()
X	 * will assign u.u_rmtoffset[0,1] and the real system call will be
X	 * run again, bringing us back to here.  We know that that has
X	 * happened if either of u.u_rmtoffset[0,1] is >= 0.  We then
X	 * just adjust the path handed to us by namei() and return
X	 * -1 which signals namei() to begin again with the new
X	 * path with directory set to root (/).
X	 */
X	if ((u.u_procp->p_flag & SREMOTE) == 0) {
X		u.u_rmtcdir = -1;
X		offset = -1;
X	}
X	else if ((offset = u.u_rmtoffset[0]) >= 0)
X		u.u_rmtoffset[0] = -1;
X	else if ((offset = u.u_rmtoffset[1]) >= 0)
X		u.u_rmtoffset[1] = -1;
X	if (offset >= 0) {
X		register char	*pstart = path + offset;
X		register char	*p = path;
X		debug8("restart path %s locally, offset=%d\n", path, offset);
X		if (offset) /* validate offset value */
X			while (p <= pstart)
X				if (*p++ == '\0') {
X					u.u_error = EINVAL;
X					return(FALSE);
X				} 
X		if (base != pstart) {
X			path = base;
X			do {
X				*path++ = *pstart;
X			} while (*pstart++);
X		}
X		return(-1);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * We have a remote mount point.   This mount point may be
X	 * a "generic" mount point, in which case, we must figure out
X	 * the host.
X	 */
X	if (rp->r_name == NULL) {
X		rp = rmt_findhost(&path, &sysnum);
X		if (rp == NULL) {
X			debug8("isremote: can't map path %s\n", path);
X			return(TRUE);
X		}
X	}
X	u.u_error = EISREMOTE;
X	remote_sysindex = sysnum;
X	/*
X	 * Set the remote flag for this user and bump the
X	 * user count.
X	 */
X	u.u_procp->p_flag |= SREMOTE;
X	if (! rmthostused(sysnum)) {
X		rp->r_users++;
X		rmtusehost(sysnum);
X		debug4("%d uses rmt %d\n", u.u_procp->p_pid, sysnum);
X	}
X	rmtusehost(sysnum);
X	debug7("%s, ip=%x is remote, idx=%d\n", path, ip, remote_sysindex);
X	if (m != NULL) {
X		msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X		msg->m_hdlen = R_MINRMSG + R_PATHSTART*sizeof(long);
X		m->m_len = R_MINRMSG + R_PATHSTART*sizeof(long);
X		if (error = rmt_copypath(path, m, FALSE)) {
X			m_freem(m);
X			u.u_error = error;
X			return(TRUE);
X		}
X		remote_path = m;
X	}
X	else
X		u.u_error = ENOBUFS;
X	return(TRUE);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_generic.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_io.c,v 2.4 86/02/17 17:43:21 toddb Exp $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_io.c,v $
X * Revision 2.4  86/02/17  17:43:21  toddb
X * If the host is closing, remote_getconnection() goes right ahead and
X * closes and then tries to reopen.  This provides a pretty good recover
X * mechanism, except for the fact that current working directories are
X * lost and open files are lost.
X * 
X * Revision 2.3  86/02/04  10:26:43  toddb
X * Added a missing rmt_unuse() call when it is too soon to call a host
X * that has failed a connection.  Contributed by Dennis Rockwell @ csnet.
X * 
X * Revision 2.2  86/01/21  11:05:41  toddb
X * Missing argument to sleep() in rmt_getconnection().
X * 
X * Revision 2.1  85/12/30  16:53:01  toddb
X * Changed shutdown messages for the remotefs from debug messages to 
X * printf messages.  Also fixed a bug where the return value field in
X * rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ] was getting cleared for process `x'
X * by process `y' when process `y' was executing an INFO_ONLY type
X * of remote system call (like close or fork).  This bug was causing
X * random system calls (like read or write) to return 0 when it should
X * have returned something non-zero.
X * 
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:18:51  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include "../h/param.h"
X#include "../h/dir.h"
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include "../machine/pte.h"
X#include "../h/user.h"
X#include "../h/proc.h"
X#include "../h/buf.h"
X#include "../h/uio.h"
X#include "../h/mbuf.h"
X#include "../h/socket.h"
X#include "../h/socketvar.h"
X#include "../h/protosw.h"
X#include "../h/errno.h"
X#include "../remote/remotefs.h"
X#include "../h/inode.h"
X#include "../h/kernel.h"
X#include "../netinet/in.h"
Xextern struct remoteinfo	remote_info[];
Xextern struct remoteinfo	*remote_generic;
X * Obtain a connection to 'system'.
X */
X	register int	system;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp = remote_info + system;
X	register err, s, opening = FALSE;
X	short	uid;
X	struct socket *so = NULL;
X	if (! rp->r_name) {
X		rmt_unuse(rp, system);
X		return(ENOREMOTEFS);	/* no address to call. */
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Lock out other processes from doing an open at the same time.
X	 */
X	if (rp->r_opening) {
X		if (setjmp(&u.u_qsave)) {
X			rmt_unuse(rp, system);
X			return(EINTR);
X		}
X		while (rp->r_opening)
X			sleep((caddr_t)&rp->r_sock, PZERO+1);
X		if (rp->r_sock)
X			return(0);
X		rmt_unuse(rp, system);
X		return(rp->r_openerr);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * If it is closing, do it here and get it over with.
X	 */
X	else if (rp->r_close)
X		rmt_closehost(rp);
X	/*
X	 * We may already have a connection
X	 */
X	else if (rp->r_sock)
X		return(0);
X	/*
X	 * If we have failed previously, it may be time to try again.
X	 */
X	else if (rp->r_failed) {
X		if (rp->r_age > time.tv_sec) {
X			rmt_unuse(rp, system);
X			return(rp->r_openerr);
X		}
X		rp->r_failed = FALSE;
X	}
X	rp->r_opening = TRUE;
X	rp->r_close = FALSE;
X	/*
X	 * pseudo loop to avoid labels...
X	 */
X	do {
X		/*
X		 * Fortunately, there is security with ports.  Unfortunately,
X		 * you must be root to do it.  So we change our uid for a
X		 * brief moment.
X		 */
X		uid = u.u_uid;
X		if (setjmp(&u.u_qsave)) {
X			u.u_uid = uid;
X			if (u.u_error == 0)
X				err = EINTR;
X			break;
X		}
X		/*
X		 * first, make a socket for the connection; then connect.  (the
X		 * connection code is basically connect(2)).
X		 */
X		if (err = socreate(AF_INET, &rp->r_sock, SOCK_STREAM, 0))
X			break;
X		so = rp->r_sock;
X		debug9("connect...");
X		err = soconnect(so, rp->r_name);
X		u.u_uid = uid;
X		if (err)
X			break;
X		s = splnet();
X		if ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) &&
X		    (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTING)) {
X			splx(s);
X			break;
X		}
X		while ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTING) && so->so_error == 0) {
X			debug9(".");
X			sleep((caddr_t)&so->so_timeo, PZERO+1);
X		}
X		err = so->so_error;
X		so->so_error = 0;
X		rp->r_sock = so;
X		rp->r_sender = rp->r_recver = -1;
X		splx(s);
X	} while (FALSE);
X	if (err) {
X		rp->r_sock = 0;
X		rp->r_openerr = err;
X		rp->r_failed = TRUE;
X		rp->r_age = time.tv_sec + R_RETRY;
X		debug9("err=%d\n", err);
X		rmt_unuse(rp, system);
X		if (so)
X			soclose(so);
X	}
X	else
X		debug9(" done.\n");
X	rp->r_opening = FALSE;
X	wakeup((caddr_t)&rp->r_sock);
X	return(err);
X * Back out of references to a remote host.
X */
Xrmt_unuse(rp, system)
X	register struct remoteinfo *rp;
X	register long	system;
X	rp->r_users--;
X	rmtunusehost(system);
X	if (u.u_rmtsys == 0)
X		u.u_procp->p_flag &= ~SREMOTE;
X * Send out the message.
X */
Xremoteio(system, m, uio, flags)
X	register int	system;
X	register struct mbuf	**m;
X	register struct uio *uio;
X	int	flags;
X	register int	error, signaled = 0, position;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp = remote_info + system;
X	register struct socket	*so;
X	register struct iovec *iov;
X	register struct proc	*p;
X	long	soreceive(), sosend();
X	long	oldmask;
X	/*
X	 * get a connection.
X	 */
X	if ((so = rp->r_sock) == NULL || rp->r_close)
X		if (error = remote_getconnection(system)) {
X			(void) m_freem(*m);
X			return(error);
X		}
X		else
X			so = rp->r_sock;
X	/*
X	 * "Hold" SIGTSTP and SIGSTOP signals until we are done.
X	 */
X	p = u.u_procp;
X	oldmask = (1 << (SIGTSTP-1))
X		| (1 << (SIGSTOP-1));
X	oldmask = (p->p_sigmask & oldmask);
X	p->p_sigmask |= (1 << (SIGTSTP-1))
X			| (1 << (SIGSTOP-1));
X	/*
X	 * Note that we re-do the setjmp each time we change state.
X	 * Two reasons: 1) we are effectively ignoring interrupts until
X	 * either the message has been completely sent or has been
X	 * completely recieved. 2) setjmp() restores register variables to
X	 * their state at the time of the call and since we modify them
X	 * all the time, we need to re-save the state.
X	 */
X	position = R_NOTHINGSENT;
X	rp->r_refcnt++; /* we are actively using conection */
X	while(position != 0) {
X		if (setjmp(&u.u_qsave)) {
X			error = EINTR;
X			debug10("signal to %d\n", u.u_procp->p_pid);
X			if (rp->r_close)
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			signaled++;
X			continue;
X		}
X		switch (position) {
X			/*
X			 * make sure that this is not someone elses data.
X			 */
X			if (signaled)
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			while (!rp->r_close && rp->r_sender >= 0) {
X				debug10("I am %d, not %d. Goodnight.\n",
X					u.u_procp->p_pid, rp->r_sender);
X				sleep((caddr_t)&rp->r_sender, PZERO+1);
X			}
X			if (rp->r_close)
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			/*
X			 * We update position BEFORE we call tcp_usrreq()
X			 * because we are guarenteed that the data will be
X			 * sent just by making the call.  i.e. we will never
X			 * come back to this point once we've been here.
X			 */
X			if (uio && (flags & RFLG_WR))
X				position = R_DATANOTSENT;
X			else
X				position = R_MSGNOTRED;
X			rp->r_sender = u.u_procp->p_pid;
X			debug10("%d sending... ", rp->r_sender);
X			error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreq)(so,
X				PRU_SEND, *m, 0, 0);
X			if (error) {
X				printf("error=%d on sending msg\n", error);
X				rp->r_close = TRUE;
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			}
X			*m = 0;
X			break;
X			debug10("%d data\n", u.u_procp->p_pid);
X			if (error = rmt_uio(rp, uio, sosend))
X				flushmsg(rp, uio->uio_resid, FALSE);
X			position = R_MSGNOTRED;
X			break;
X			/*
X			 * Finally, read from the socket.  Also, if
X			 * we have been interrupted, now is the time to
X			 * notify the other side.
X			 */
X			rp->r_sender = -1;
X			wakeup(&rp->r_sender);
X			if (flags & RFLG_INFO) {
X				position = 0;
X				break;
X			}
X			debug10("%d recving\n", u.u_procp->p_pid);
X			if (signaled)
X				sendrsig(system);
X			error = rmt_getmsg(system);
X			rp->r_received = FALSE;
X			if (error || rp->r_close)
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			if (uio && (flags & RFLG_RD))
X				position = R_DATANOTRED;
X			else {
X				rp->r_recver = -1;
X				position = 0;
X				wakeup(&rp->r_recver);
X			}
X			break;
X			debug10("%d recving data\n", u.u_procp->p_pid);
X			if (rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ] > uio->uio_resid) {
X				printf("usr needs %d, srvr says %d\n",
X					uio->uio_resid,
X					rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ]);
X				rp->r_close = TRUE;
X				goto remoteio_done;
X			}
X			uio->uio_resid = rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ];
X			if (error = rmt_uio(rp, uio, soreceive)) {
X				flushmsg(rp, uio->uio_resid, TRUE);
X				break;
X			}
X			rp->r_recver = -1;
X			wakeup(&rp->r_recver);
X			position = 0;
X			break;
X		}
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Restore mask by first taking out SIGTSTP and SIGSTOP, whatever
X	 * their values.  And then or'ing in the original value.
X	 */
X	p = u.u_procp;
X	p->p_sigmask &= ~((1 << (SIGTSTP-1))
X			| (1 << (SIGSTOP-1)));
X	p->p_sigmask |= oldmask;
X	rp->r_refcnt--; /* we are done with this transaction */
X	if (rp->r_close)
X	if (error) {
X		debug11("remoteio: err=%d, close=%s\n",
X			error, rp->r_close ? "true" : "false");
X		rmt_shutdown(system);
X	}
X	return(error);
X * Force io to happen and consume all of uio->uio_resid.
X */
Xrmt_uio(rp, uio, sockfunc)
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register struct uio	*uio;
X	register func		sockfunc;
X	register struct socket	*so = rp->r_sock;
X	label_t	qsave;
X	register long	error = 0,
X			flag = (sockfunc == soreceive)
X	bcopy(&u.u_qsave, &qsave, sizeof(label_t));
X	if (setjmp(&u.u_qsave)) {
X		debug11("rmt_uio: sig %d\n", u.u_procp->p_pid);
X		if (rp->r_close)
X	}
X	while(uio->uio_resid > 0 && ! error && (so->so_state & flag) == 0)
X		error = (*sockfunc)(so, 0, uio, 0, 0);
X	bcopy(&qsave, &u.u_qsave, sizeof(label_t));
X	if (so->so_state & flag) {
X		rp->r_close = TRUE;
X	}
X	return(error);
X * Obtain the next message from the server.  We don't return from this
X * routine until our personal message has been received or an error
X * has occured.
X */
X	register int	system;
X	struct proc	*p = NULL;
X	struct remoteinfo	*rp = remote_info + system;
X	struct socket *so = rp->r_sock;
X	struct uio	auio;
X	struct iovec	iov;
X	register long	msglen, len, error = 0;
X	long		soreceive();
X	for(;;) {
X		iov.iov_len = auio.uio_resid = R_MINRMSG+sizeof(long);
X		auio.uio_segflg = 1;	/* kernel bcopy */
X		auio.uio_iov = &iov;
X		auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
X		auio.uio_offset = 0;
X		iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)&rp->r_msg;
X		/*
X		 * Since we may have been usurped by this time, or a different
X		 * syscall may have been repsponded to, we must make sure
X		 * that we are the recipient of this message.  In fact,
X		 * the message may have already arrived.
X		 */
X		while (rp->r_recver != u.u_procp->p_pid && rp->r_recver != -1)
X			sleep((caddr_t)&rp->r_recver, PZERO+1);
X		if (rp->r_recver == u.u_procp->p_pid && rp->r_received) {
X			auio.uio_resid = 0;
X			break;
X		}
X		rp->r_recver = u.u_procp->p_pid;
X		/*
X		 * get the message.
X		 */
X		if (error = rmt_uio(rp, &auio, soreceive)) {
X			debug11("1st: err=%d\n", error);
X			break;
X		}
X#ifndef magnolia
X		rp->r_msg.m_totlen  = ntohl(rp->r_msg.m_totlen);
X		rp->r_msg.m_hdlen   = ntohs(rp->r_msg.m_hdlen);
X		rp->r_msg.m_pid     = ntohs(rp->r_msg.m_pid);
X		rp->r_msg.m_uid     = ntohs(rp->r_msg.m_uid);
X		rp->r_msg.m_errno = ntohs(rp->r_msg.m_errno);
X		rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ]
X			    = ntohl(rp->r_msg.m_args[ R_RETVAL ]);
X		msglen = rp->r_msg.m_hdlen;
X		if (msglen > R_MAXRMSG
X		 || msglen < R_MINRMSG+sizeof(long)
X		 || auio.uio_offset < R_MINRMSG+sizeof(long)) {
X			debug11("msg len=%d, off=%d!\n",
X				msglen, auio.uio_offset);
X			break;
X		}
X		/*
X		 * We may need a few more bytes.
X		 */
X		if (msglen > R_MINRMSG + sizeof(long)) {
X			iov.iov_len = auio.uio_resid =
X				msglen - auio.uio_offset;
X			auio.uio_iov = &iov;
X			auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
X			debug10("getmsg2: resid=%d... cc=%d\n",
X				auio.uio_resid, so->so_rcv.sb_cc);
X			if (error = rmt_uio(rp, &auio, soreceive)) {
X				debug11("2nd: err=%d, resid=%d, msglen=%d\n",	
X					error, auio.uio_resid, msglen);
X				break;
X			}
X		}
X		/*
X		 * Now find the right recipient.
X		 */
X		rp->r_received = TRUE;
X		rp->r_recver = rp->r_msg.m_pid;
X		if (rp->r_recver == u.u_procp->p_pid)
X			break;
X		if (rp->r_recver >= 0 && (p = pfind(rp->r_recver))) {
X			debug11("%d: msg for %d@%x\n",
X				u.u_procp->p_pid, rp->r_recver, p->p_wchan);
X			if (p->p_wchan == (caddr_t)&rp->r_recver)
X				setrun(p);
X			continue;
X		}
X		else
X			debug11("proc %d?\n", rp->r_recver);
X		flushmsg(rp, rp->r_msg.m_totlen - rp->r_msg.m_hdlen, TRUE);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Wrap up and decide if everything is still kosher...
X	 */
X	if (rp->r_close || error || auio.uio_resid) {
X		debug11("%d: getmsg: close=%s,err=%d,resid=%d\n",
X			u.u_procp->p_pid, rp->r_close ? "true" : "false",
X			error, auio.uio_resid);
X		rp->r_close = TRUE;
X		rmt_shutdown(system);
X	}
X	return(error);
Xflushmsg(rp, len, input)
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register long	len, input;
X	register struct socket *so = rp->r_sock;
X	register long	error = 0, need;
X	struct uio	auio;
X	struct iovec	iov;
X	char	buf[ MLEN ];
X	extern long	sosend(), soreceive();
X	func		ioroutine = (input ? soreceive : sosend);
X	debug11("flush %d %s bytes\n", len, input ? "input" : "output");
X	auio.uio_segflg = 1;	/* kernel bcopy */
X	while (len > 0 && ! error) {
X		need = iov.iov_len = auio.uio_resid = MIN(len, MLEN);
X		auio.uio_iov = &iov;
X		auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
X		iov.iov_base = (caddr_t)buf;
X		debug11("flush: resid=%d... cc=%d\n",
X			auio.uio_resid, so->so_rcv.sb_cc);
X		error = rmt_uio(rp, &auio, ioroutine);
X		len -= need - auio.uio_resid;
X	}
X	if (error)
X		rp->r_close = TRUE;
X	if (input) {
X		rp->r_recver = -1;
X		rp->r_received = FALSE;
X		wakeup((caddr_t)&rp->r_recver);
X	}
X	else {
X		rp->r_sender = -1;
X		ioroutine = sosend;
X		wakeup((caddr_t)&rp->r_sender);
X	}
X	debug11("flush: error=%d\n", error);
X	register int	system;
X	register struct remoteinfo *rp = remote_info + system;
X	register struct proc	*p;
X	wakeup((caddr_t)&rp->r_sender);
X	wakeup((caddr_t)&rp->r_recver);
X	if (rp->r_recver >= 0 && (p = pfind(rp->r_recver)) && p->p_wchan) {
X		debug12("wake rder %d\n", p->p_pid);
X		wakeup((caddr_t)p->p_wchan);
X	}
X	if (rp->r_sender >= 0 && (p = pfind(rp->r_sender)) && p->p_wchan) {
X		debug12("wake wrter %d\n", p->p_pid);
X		wakeup((caddr_t)p->p_wchan);
X	}
X	debug12("shtdwn: ref=%d, reason=", rp->r_refcnt);
X	if (rp->r_close || (rp->r_sock->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE))
X		debug12("%s\n",
X			(rp->r_sock->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE)
X			? "no more" : "closed");
X	else {
X		debug12("?, not done\n");
X		return(EBUSY);
X	}
X	rp->r_close = TRUE;
X	if (rp->r_refcnt || rp->r_users)
X		return(EBUSY);
X	rmt_closehost(rp);
X	return(0);
X * Close a host connection.
X */
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	struct socket	*so;
X	so = rp->r_sock;
X	rp->r_recver = rp->r_sender = -1;
X	rp->r_sock = NULL;
X	rp->r_age = time.tv_sec;
X	rp->r_close = 0;
X	if (so)
X		soclose(so);
X	else
X		debug12("rmt_closehost: so == 0, rp=%x\n", rp);
X	register int	system;
X	debug11("would have sent sig to system %d\n", system);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_io.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_subr.c,v 2.1 86/03/10 13:21:22 toddb Exp $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_subr.c,v $
X * Revision 2.1  86/03/10  13:21:22  toddb
X * rmt_findaddr NEVER worked before.  It now works like a charm, thanks
X * to  William Sommerfeld <wesommer at>.  It was comparing
X * an struct mbuf with a struct sockaddr, instead of the contents of
X * the struct mbuf.
X * 
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:19:10  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include	"../h/param.h"
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include	"../machine/pte.h"
X#include	"../h/systm.h"
X#include	"../h/map.h"
X#include	"../h/dir.h"
X#include	"../h/user.h"
X#include	"../h/proc.h"
X#ifdef BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/namei.h"
X#else BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/nami.h"
X#endif BSD4_3
X#include	"../h/inode.h"
X#include	"../h/mbuf.h"
X#include	"../h/socket.h"
X#include	"../remote/remotefs.h"
X#include	"../h/errno.h"
X#include	"../netinet/in.h"
X#include	"../h/file.h"
Xextern struct remoteinfo remote_info[];
Xextern struct remoteinfo *remote_generic;
Xextern struct nameserver	remote_ns;
X * A fast routine for determining whether an inode is in the list of
X * remote hosts, and returning a pointer into that list.
X * Failure returns NULL.
X */
Xstruct remoteinfo *rmt_host(ip, asysnum)
X	register struct inode	*ip;
X	register long		*asysnum;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp = remote_info;
X	register long			i;
X	if (ip == NULL)
X		printf("rmt_host: ip=0\n");
X	else for(i=0; i < R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rp->r_mntpt == ip) {
X			*asysnum = i;
X			return(rp);
X		}
X	return(NULL);
X * This is an extension to rmt_host() in that if rmt_host() returns a
X * pointer to a generic mount point, we return the pointer to the entry
X * that describes where we have our current working directory.
X */
Xstruct remoteinfo *rmt_hostdir(ip, asysnum)
X	register struct inode	*ip;
X	register long		*asysnum;
X	register struct remoteinfo *rp;
X	rp = rmt_host(ip, asysnum);
X	if (rp == NULL)
X		return(NULL);
X	if (rp->r_name == NULL)
X		if (u.u_rmtcdir < 0)
X			return(rp);
X		else
X			return(remote_info + (*asysnum = u.u_rmtcdir));
X	return(rp);
X * called by isremote() to figure out if there is a host implied by
X * 'path'.  Note that a user process must have ``registered'' with
X * the kernel as being willing to provide name service.
X */
Xstruct remoteinfo *rmt_findhost(apath, asysnum)
X	char	**apath;
X	register long	*asysnum;
X	label_t				qsave;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	char				savec;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_findaddr(),
X					*rmt_findslot();
X	register struct proc		*p;
X	register char			*path = *apath, *cp;
X	register struct mbuf		*m = NULL;
X	register long			error = 0,
X					i;
X	/*
X	 * If the path is relative, then it must be because we have done
X	 * a remote chdir()... take the directory from there.
X	 */
X	if (*path != '/' && u.u_rmtcdir >= 0) {
X		debug13("path %s==>cwd=#%d\n", path, u.u_rmtcdir);
X		*asysnum = u.u_rmtcdir;
X		return (remote_info + u.u_rmtcdir);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * First try to satisfy the name from the existing table... there
X	 * may have been a mount done explicitly that has the form
X	 * "/hostname", or there may have been an implicit mount.  Check
X	 * for both.
X	 */
X	rp = remote_info;
X	for(i=0; i < R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rp->r_name && rmt_pathimplies(rp, apath)) {
X			debug13("%s==>mntpt=%s(#%d)\n",
X				*apath, rp->r_mntpath, i);
X			*asysnum = i;
X			return(rp);
X		}
X	/*
X	 * If that fails, then give the name server a crack at it.  Note that
X	 * we don't check to see if we found an open slot, because the address
X	 * that we get back may match an existing address.
X	 * If the nameserver is around, send him a signal.  Then wait
X	 * patiently for the response.
X	 */
X	while (remote_ns.rn_path) /* Lock out all other nameserver action */
X		sleep((caddr_t)&remote_ns.rn_path, PZERO+1);
X	bcopy(&u.u_qsave, &qsave, sizeof(label_t));
X	if (setjmp(&u.u_qsave)) {
X		error = EINTR;
X		goto out;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * The nameserver only needs the first component.
X	 */
X	cp = path;
X	while (*cp == '/')
X		cp++;
X	while (*cp && *cp != '/')
X		cp++;
X	savec = *cp;
X	*cp = '\0';
X	remote_ns.rn_pathlen = cp - path + 1;
X	remote_ns.rn_path = path;
X	p = remote_ns.rn_proc;
X	if (server_alive(p)) {
X		psignal(p, SIGURG);
X		sleep((caddr_t)&remote_ns.rn_name, PZERO+1);
X	}
X	*cp = savec;
X	/*
X	 * Ok, now see what the server had to say...
X	 */
X	m = remote_ns.rn_name;
X	remote_ns.rn_name = NULL;
X	if (m == NULL)
X	else {
X		rp = rmt_findaddr(m, asysnum);
X		*apath = cp;
X	}
X	if (rp || m == NULL)
X		goto out;
X	if ((rp = rmt_findslot(asysnum)) == NULL)
X	else {
X		if (rp->r_name) {
X			debug13("findhost: reusing %d, %s\n",
X				asysnum, rp->r_mntpath);
X			(void) m_free(rp->r_name);
X		}
X		rp->r_name = m;
X		bcopy (mtod(m, caddr_t) + m->m_len, rp->r_mntpath,
X			MIN(R_MNTPATHLEN, MLEN - m->m_len));
X		m = NULL;
X	}
X	if (remote_ns.rn_name)
X		(void) m_free(remote_ns.rn_name);
X	else if (m)
X		(void) m_free(m);
X	remote_ns.rn_name = NULL;
X	remote_ns.rn_path = NULL;
X	wakeup((caddr_t)&remote_ns.rn_path);
X	if (error) {
X		rp = NULL;
X		u.u_error = error;
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Since we are returning and may sleep again, we must restore the
X	 * setjmp info so that we don't kill ourselves.
X	 */
X	bcopy(&qsave, &u.u_qsave, sizeof(label_t));
X	return (rp);
X * if (index >= 0) i.e. valid remote host
X *	Set the working directory to the mount point for system 'index'.
X *	This, along with what the server does, will effect a chdir("remotedir");
X * if (index < 0)
X *	then simply decrement the number of chdir's on the current remote
X *	host, if any.
X */
X	long	index;
X	register struct inode *ip = NULL, *oip;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register long			error = 0;
X	long				i;
X	struct remoteinfo		*rmt_host();
X	debug14("cd #%d\n", index);
X	if (index >= R_MAXSYS)
X		return(ENOENT);
X	/*
X	 * If we are currently cd'ed to another remote host, decrement its'
X	 * reference count.
X	 */
X	oip = u.u_cdir;
X	if (rp = rmt_hostdir(oip, &i)) {
X		debug14("uncd #%d, ip=%x\n", i, oip);
X		rp->r_nchdir--;
X	}
X	rp = remote_info + index;
X	if (index >= 0) {
X		/*
X		 * If this is an implied mount point, find the inode for the
X		 * generic mount pt.
X		 */
X		if (rp->r_mntpt == NULL) {
X			if (remote_generic)
X				ip = remote_generic->r_mntpt; 
X			debug14("cd is generic, ip=%x\n", ip);
X			if (ip == NULL)
X				return(ENOENT);
X		}
X		else
X			ip = rp->r_mntpt;
X		rp->r_nchdir++;		/* bump the reference count */
X		u.u_rmtcdir = index;
X		irele(oip);
X		ip->i_count++;
X		u.u_cdir = ip;
X	}
X	return(error);
X * See if a host is implied in a remote_info entry from the path name 'path'.
X */
Xrmt_pathimplies(rp, path)
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register char			**path;
X	register char	*p1, *p2, *pend;
X	p1 = rp->r_mntpath;
X	while(*p1 == '/')
X		p1++;
X	p2 = *path;
X	while(*p2 == '/')
X		p2++;
X	/*
X	 * Compare against the mount point.
X	 */
X	pend = rp->r_mntpath + R_MNTPATHLEN;
X	while (*p1 == *p2 && *p1 && p1 < pend)
X		p1++, p2++;
X	if (*p1 == *p2 || (*p1 == '\0' && *p2 == '/')) {
X		*path = p2;
X		return(TRUE);
X	}
X	return (FALSE);
X * See if any remote entry already had address 'addr'.
X */
Xstruct remoteinfo *rmt_findaddr(m, asysnum)
X	register struct mbuf	*m;
X	register long		*asysnum;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp;
X	register caddr_t		addr;
X	register int			i, len;
X	addr = mtod(m, caddr_t);
X	len = m->m_len;
X	for (i=0, rp = remote_info; i < R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rp->r_name
X		&& len == rp->r_name->m_len
X		&& bcmp(mtod(rp->r_name, caddr_t), addr, len) == 0) {
X			*asysnum = i;
X			debug13("%s: same as mnt %d\n", addr+len, i);
X			return(rp);
X		}
X	return(NULL);
X * Find an open slot in the remote info.
X */
Xstruct remoteinfo *rmt_findslot(asysnum)
X	register long	*asysnum;
X	register struct remoteinfo	*rp,
X					*frp = NULL;
X	register int			i, fi;
X	for (i=0, rp = remote_info; i < R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++) {
X		if (rp->r_mntpt || rp ->r_sock) /* active connections */
X			continue;
X		if (rp->r_name == NULL) {
X			frp = rp;
X			fi = i;
X			break;
X		}
X		if (frp == NULL || rp->r_age < frp->r_age) {
X			frp = rp;
X			fi = i;
X		}
X	}
X	if (frp) {
X		debug13("slt: %d\n", fi);
X		*asysnum = fi;
X		return(frp);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * No slot... do garbage collection.
X	 */
X	for (i=0, rp = remote_info; i < R_MAXSYS; i++, rp++)
X		if (rp->r_mntpt == NULL
X		 && rp->r_nchdir == 0 && rp->r_nfile == 0) {
X			debug13("fndslt: usurp %d=%s\n",
X				rp - remote_info, rp->r_mntpath);
X			*asysnum = i;
X			rmt_closehost(rp);
X			(void) m_free(rp->r_name);
X			rp->r_name = NULL;
X			return(rp);
X		}
X	return(NULL);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_subr.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_syscall1.c,v 2.0 85/12/07 18:19:21 toddb Rel $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_syscall1.c,v $
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:19:21  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include	"../h/param.h"
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include	"../machine/pte.h"
X#include	"../h/systm.h"
X#include	"../h/map.h"
X#include	"../h/dir.h"
X#include	"../h/user.h"
X#include	"../h/kernel.h"
X#include	"../h/proc.h"
X#include	"../h/mbuf.h"
X#include	"../h/socket.h"
X#include	"../h/file.h"
X#include	"../remote/remotefs.h"
X#include	"../h/stat.h"
X#include	"../h/errno.h"
X#include	"../netinet/in.h"
Xextern struct remoteinfo	remote_info[];
X * Remote access()
X */
Xrmt_access (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message	*msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		char	*path;
X		long	mode;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	msg->m_args[ 0 ] = htonl(uap->mode);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	return( rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0) );
X * Remote chdir()
X */
Xrmt_chdir (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	int	error;
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	if ((error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0)) == 0)
X		error = remotechdir(sysindex);
X	return( error );
X * Remote chmod() and fchmod()
X */
Xrmt_chmod (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	int	i = 0;
X	struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		long	path_or_fd;
X		long	mode;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	if (htons(msg->m_syscall) == RSYS_fchmod)
X		i++;
X	msg->m_args[ i ] = htonl(uap->mode);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	return( rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0) );
X * Remote chown() and fchown()
X */
Xrmt_chown (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	int	i = 0;
X	struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		long	path_or_fd;
X		long	owner, group;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	if (htons(msg->m_syscall) == RSYS_fchown)
X		i++, m->m_len = R_MINRMSG + 3*sizeof(long);
X	msg->m_args[ i++ ] = htonl(uap->owner);
X	msg->m_args[ i ] = htonl(uap->group);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	return( rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0) );
X * Remote dup()
X */
Xrmt_dup (sysindex, m)
X	long	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	int	fd, error;
X	struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct file	*fp;
X	struct a {
X		long	fd;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	fp = u.u_ofile[ uap->fd ];
X	fd = ufalloc(0);
X	if (fd < 0)
X		return(-1);
X	remote_info[ (int)fp->f_data ].r_nfile++;
X	dupit(fd, fp, u.u_pofile[uap->fd]);
X	msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(fd);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0);
X	if (error)
X		rmt_deallocfd(fd);
X	return(error);
X * Remote dup2()
X */
Xrmt_dup2 (sysindex, m)
X	long	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct file	*oldfp, *newfp;
X	struct a {
X		long	oldfd,
X			newfd;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	long	oldfd = uap->oldfd,
X		newfd = uap->newfd,
X		error;
X	oldfp = u.u_ofile[ oldfd ];
X	if (newfd >= NOFILE)
X		return(EBADF);
X	if (oldfd == newfd)
X		return(newfd);
X	if (newfp = u.u_ofile[ newfd ]) {
X		/*
X		 * If the new file descriptor (which must be closed) is
X		 * remote on system 'n', then we may have to send a close
X		 * message to system 'n', but only if
X		 *	1. the file descriptor being duped is non-remote
X		 *		or
X		 *	2. the file descriptor being duped is on a different
X		 *	   remote system.
X		 * Note that case number 1 implies that there is no more
X		 * remote work to be done.
X		 */
X		if (newfp->f_flag & FREMOTE) {
X			if ((oldfp->f_flag & FREMOTE) == 0
X			 || newfp->f_data != oldfp->f_data) {
X				if ((oldfp->f_flag & FREMOTE) == 0)
X					sysindex = -1;
X				uap->oldfd = uap->newfd;
X				remote_fd(RSYS_close);
X			}
X			else
X				closef(newfp);
X		}
X		else
X			closef(newfp);
X	}
X	dupit(newfd, oldfp, u.u_pofile[ oldfd ]);
X	/*
X	 * We may already be done.
X	 */
X	if (sysindex < 0)
X		return(0);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	remote_info[ sysindex ].r_nfile++;
X	msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(newfd);
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0);
X	if (error)
X		rmt_deallocfd(newfd);
X	return(error);
X * routine for handling an error.  We should never get here... but if we
X * do.....
X */
X	int	sysnum;
X	debug1("error reached\n");
X	return(EINVAL);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall1.c
# remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c
if [ -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c ]; then 
	echo -n 'Hit <return> to overwrite remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c or ^C to quit' 
	read ans 
	rm -f remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c 
sed -e 's/^.//' << \SHAREOF > remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c
X * Copyright 1985, Todd Brunhoff.
X *
X * This software was written at Tektronix Computer Research Laboratories
X * as partial fulfillment of a Master's degree at the University of Denver.
X * This is not Tektronix proprietary software and should not be
X * confused with any software product sold by Tektronix.  No warranty is
X * expressed or implied on the reliability of this software; the author,
X * the University of Denver, and Tektronix, inc. accept no liability for
X * any damage done directly or indirectly by this software.  This software
X * may be copied, modified or used in any way, without fee, provided this
X * notice remains an unaltered part of the software.
X *
X * $Header: rmt_syscall2.c,v 2.0 85/12/07 18:19:28 toddb Rel $
X *
X * $Log:	rmt_syscall2.c,v $
X * Revision 2.0  85/12/07  18:19:28  toddb
X * First public release.
X * 
X */
X#include	"../h/param.h"
X#ifndef pyr	/* Pyramid */
X#include	"../machine/pte.h"
X#include	"../h/systm.h"
X#include	"../h/map.h"
X#include	"../h/dir.h"
X#include	"../h/user.h"
X#include	"../h/kernel.h"
X#include	"../h/proc.h"
X#include	"../h/mbuf.h"
X#include	"../h/socket.h"
X#include	"../remote/remotefs.h"
X#include	"../h/file.h"
X#include	"../h/stat.h"
X#include	"../h/errno.h"
X#include	"../netinet/in.h"
X#include	"../h/uio.h"
Xextern struct remoteinfo	remote_info[];
Xextern syscalls			remote_syscall[];
X * Remote fcntl()
X */
Xrmt_fcntl (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	register long		fd,
X				error;
X	register struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	register struct a {
X		long	fd,
X			command,
X			arg;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register struct file	*fp;
X	if (uap->command == F_DUPFD) {
X		fp = u.u_ofile[ uap->fd ];
X		fd = ufalloc(uap->arg);
X		if (fd < 0)
X			return(-1);
X		remote_info[ (int)fp->f_data ].r_nfile++;
X		dupit(fd, fp, u.u_pofile[uap->fd]);
X		msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(fd);
X		msg->m_syscall = htons(RSYS_dup);
X	}
X	else {
X		msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(uap->command);
X		msg->m_args[ 2 ] = htonl(uap->arg);
X		m->m_len += sizeof(long);
X	}
X	/*
X	 * Now send it
X	 */
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0);
X	if (error && uap->command == F_DUPFD)
X		rmt_deallocfd(fd);
X	return(error);
X * Remote flock()
X */
Xrmt_flock (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message *msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		long	fd;
X		long	operation;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(uap->operation);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	return( rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0) );
X * Remote ioctl()
X */
Xrmt_ioctl (sysindex, m, request, argp)
X	int	sysindex,
X		request;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	char	*argp;
X	/*
X	 * for now always fail.
X	 */
X	return(EINVAL);
X * Remote lseek()
X */
Xrmt_lseek (sysindex, m)
X	long	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message	*msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		long	fd,
X			offset,
X			whence;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	register long	flags = RFLG_INFO;
X	register long	twhence = uap->whence;
X	register long	error;
X	register struct file	*fp = u.u_ofile[ uap->fd ];
X	/*
X	 * As a special case for the sake of speed, L_INCR and L_SET can be
X	 * done locally and then the message can be sent as
X	 * info only (no reply).
X	 */
X	switch (twhence) {
X	case L_INCR:
X		/*
X		 * Very special case: lseek(fd, 0, L_INCR) is a noop.
X		 */
X		if (uap->offset == 0) {
X			m_free(m);
X			u.u_r.r_off = fp->f_offset;
X			return(0);
X		}
X		fp->f_offset += uap->offset;
X		break;
X	case L_XTND:
X		flags = 0;
X		break;
X	case L_SET:
X		fp->f_offset = uap->offset;
X		break;
X	default:
X		m_free(m);
X		u.u_error = EINVAL;
X		return(0);
X	}
X	msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(uap->offset);
X	msg->m_args[ 2 ] = htonl(twhence);
X	m->m_len += sizeof(long);
X	if (flags == RFLG_INFO)
X		msg->m_syscall = htons(RSYS_qlseek);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, flags);
X	if (flags != RFLG_INFO)
X		fp->f_offset = u.u_r.r_val1;
X	else
X		u.u_r.r_off = fp->f_offset;
X	return( error );
X * Remote mknod()
X */
Xrmt_mknod (sysindex, m, mode, dev)
X	long	sysindex,
X		mode, dev;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message	*msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	struct a {
X		char	*path;
X		long	mode,
X			dev;
X	} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X	msg->m_args[ 0 ] = htonl(uap->mode);
X	msg->m_args[ 1 ] = htonl(uap->dev);
X	msg->m_args[ 2 ] = htonl(u.u_cmask);
X	/*
X	 * Now send it.
X	 */
X	return( rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, 0) );
Xrmt_noop() {	return;	}
X * Remote mkdir() and rmdir() and unlink() and fsync() and close()
X */
Xrmt_onearg (sysindex, m)
X	int	sysindex;
X	struct mbuf	*m;
X	struct message	*msg = mtod(m, struct message *);
X	short	syscall = ntohs(msg->m_syscall);
X	long	error;
X	if (syscall == RSYS_close) {
X		struct a {
X			long	fd;
X		} *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap;
X		rmt_deallocfd(uap->fd);
X		m->m_len = R_MINRMSG + sizeof(long);
X	}
X	else if (syscall == RSYS_fsync)
X		m->m_len = R_MINRMSG + sizeof(long);
X	else
X		msg->m_args[ 0 ] = htonl(u.u_cmask);
X	error = rmt_msgfin(sysindex, m, remote_syscall[ syscall ].sys_flag);
X	return(error);
chmod 444 remote/usr.sys.remote/rmt_syscall2.c

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