wanted: 'load' %cpu usage display

guzolek at uicsl.UUCP guzolek at uicsl.UUCP
Mon Mar 3 08:39:00 AEST 1986

A while back (around Oct, Nov of 1984) A program called "load"
showed up on net.sources.  This program produced a histogram display
on the screen of the current load on the system.
Each line of the display was a persons login name, followed by the
%cpu usage followed by a histogram bar of that usage.
Each process a user started was shown separately so a user with several
processes running would show up multiple times.  Small usage users
processes were not shown but their sum total was displayed as
RESIDUAL followed by a histogram.  The display was sorted as to show
the heaviest users first and on down.

The program was much faster than 'ps' and was useful to get a quick
simple picture of who was loading the system.  The program Was written
in C I believe and we used it under 4.2bsd.

If anyone has this program or something like it could you please post
it to the net or mail it to me?

Thanks in advance.
- John Guzolek       (...ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsld!guzolek)

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