decode (or rather uudecode)

jrv at siemens.UUCP jrv at siemens.UUCP
Tue Mar 18 01:17:00 AEST 1986


MS-DOS uses CR/LF as the line terminator. When opening the output file
to receive an executable such as the output from uudecode the file must
be opened in untranslated mode! Every compiler I have used will write
two bytes, i.e. CR and LF, whenever the LF character is written to a file
which is opened in normal mode. This is obviously not what one wants.

With Lattice-C open the output file with a mode of "wb". This puts it into
untranslated mode. You can also accomplish the same thing by setting the
most significant bit of the external variable '_fmode'.

Jim Vallino
Siemens Research and Technology Lab.
Princeton, NJ

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