DARPA Internet Documents to be posted here in the coming weeks

Brian Kantor brian at sdcsvax.UUCP
Thu Mar 6 02:23:19 AEST 1986

In article <1498 at sdcsvax.UUCP> I wrote:
>Over the next few weeks I will be distributing many of the most
>important Internet documents on protocols and the like.

Actually, mod.sources.doc is a much better place.  And the RFCs 
will be posted there, now that its actually being set up.

Problem was that although the group mod.sources.doc had been officially
announced, many North American hosts never received the newgroup
message.  And there were news problems on the machine that was supposed
to be the moderator's host and message archive.  Through the valiant
efforts of Mark Horton and Ron Natalie (the moderator for the group)
and some assistance from Erik Fair, we are trying to get the
mod.sources.doc newsgroup working (including the ARPA/USENET gateway
for it) and when we do, I'll post the remaining RFCs there.

So hang in there.  And thanks to all of you for your comments and
encouragement.  And no, there isn't a better place to have posted this
	- Brian

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