Joseph N. Klepach[F.T. Dao] jnk at ulysses.UUCP
Thu Mar 20 23:22:51 AEST 1986

> I am planning to start an INFO-XLISP mailing list.  The reasons for this are:
> 	* To exchange XLISP code and ideas
> 	* To provide an easy method of reporting bugs 
> 	* To facilitate the distribution of XLISP revisions (few people
> 	  are aware that there is an XLISP 1.6 already and 1.7 is near
> 	  completion)
> 	* To collect enhancements to XLISP and collect the changes 
> 	  necessary to port XLISP to new machines
> If you are interested in joining the list, please send mail to me at
> one of the addresses below.  I will need your name and net address.  I would
> also appreciate knowing what machine you use to run XLISP.  I will then keep
> you informed about the INFO-XLISP details (such as the address) as they become
> final.
> 	Dan
> djz at spice.cs.cmu.edu
> {harvard, ucbvax}!spice.cs.cmu.edu!djz

It is a great thing you do.  I've had nothing but disappointment trying
to reach other net XLISP users:  you're info-xlisp mailing list is
greatly appreciated and long overdue.

		Joe Klepach
		Machines:  Vax785, 3b20, Unix pc, ibm at

PS:  Can you mail me XLISP 1.6

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