festoon (looking for source to..)

G. Bogatko cim1 at pyuxv.UUCP
Mon Mar 24 09:01:07 AEST 1986

	Many moons ago, on the New York University PDP-11, there was a
joke program called 'festoon'.

	Festoon, when fed a seed number, representing the percentage of
made-up nouns, would spit out a wonderfully turgid memorandum, ready for
(n/t)roff using the 'mm' macros.  The output seemed to be readable, and
you found yourself trying to make sense of the phrases.  That's how good it

	Alas, the PDP-11 was shut down, and my contact there doesn't have
any idea where the program went.

	Soooo, if anybody out there has a lead to the program, please post
it or send me a copy.  (My boss keeps bugging me for status reports).


	G. B. Bogatko

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