A quick way to read voluminous amounts of netnews.

Todd tlt at ihlpl.UUCP
Tue Mar 18 08:31:53 AEST 1986

Here is a short shell script that allows the user to read/scan
a lot of netnews very quickly. 
It maps the ' character to a one keystroke command that marks
the articles you want to read.  When you are finished marking
exit vi by your favorite method of writing the file and quitting.
The ' key now becomes the method to go to the next article.
It's a quicky that allows me to wade through all the netnews
garbage in a few minutes.
Installation directions:
1. Cut on the dotted lines and put contents into a file called "qn" (quick news).
2. Find where netnews articles are kept on your system and change the
   appropriate line (line 9).
3. Make the file "qn" executable.
4. Enjoy.
-----------------------------cut here-----------------------
readnews -l >/tmp/hd.$$
EXINIT="map ' I*
export EXINIT
vi /tmp/hd.$$
EXINIT="map ' ZZ"
grep "^\*" /tmp/hd.$$ | sed -e "
s/ .*//
s/^./view \/put\/the\/full\/path\/of\/the\/netnews\/articles\/here\//
" >/tmp/rd.$$
sh /tmp/rd.$$
rm /tmp/hd.$$ /tmp/rd.$$
echo "Update .newsrc? (y/n)\c"
read x
if [ "y" = "$x" ]
  readnews -p >/dev/null
-----------------------------cut here-----------------------
It uses vi so if you don't like vi don't use it.
It probably won't work with csh.  I don't know because I use ksh.
Try it - you might like it.
If you don't like it - write your own. (I would be interested in mutants)

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