Battleship source for Unix w/curses

Bruce Holloway holloway at drivax.UUCP
Wed Mar 12 03:24:42 AEST 1986

In article <11587 at watnot.UUCP> cagordon at watnot.UUCP (Chris Gordon) writes:
>Using the following compile command, I got the following undefines below:
>cc -O -o bs bs.c -lcurses -ltermcap
>Can someone (probably the original poster) help?

All four of those functions are in both CURSES and MINICURSES here on our
System V implementation. According to the CURSES documentation, they are
standard functions which are used by "most interactive, screen-oriented

So you must have a different version of curses than we do.

Here's how I compile it:

	cc -o battle battle.c -lcurses

Which works fine.


|Whatever I write are not the opinions or policies of Digital Research, Inc.,|
|and probably won't be in the foreseeable future.                            |

Bruce Holloway

(I'm not THAT Bruce Holloway, I'm the other one.)

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