P & V Algorithms needed

lvs at ndm20 lvs at ndm20
Tue Mar 4 02:34:00 AEST 1986

In  an  effort  to  implement a  recoverable locking  mechanism for a
database  across  a  wide range  of machines  I need  an algorithm to
implement the standard P & V  operators without  assuming the machine
has some form of a "test and set" operation.   I also  can not assume
the machine supports any  form of  shared memory  or messaging system
for interprocess communication.  As you can see from these
restrictions the only mechanism left available  is some  form of disk
based algorithm.  Disk  i/o operations  are guaranteed  to be atomic,
even if the order of the operations, between different processes, can
not be guaranteed.  

Do  not  rule out  shared memory  schemes or  semaphore methods, they
could possibly be converted to a disk based form and still be usable.
As a matter of fact, don't rule out anything, I'm desperate.  My need
for an algorithm to accomplish this task is very urgent  and any help
I receive would be greatly appreciated.  

Larry V. Streepy
Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers
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