Ramtek RM-9300 Driver?

stern at tilt.FUN stern at tilt.FUN
Wed May 7 05:29:00 AEST 1986


We have an original Ramtek RM-9300 Color Raster Graphics device,
with a Ramtek DR-11B style DMA interface (Unibus board).  We
would like to move this device onto our spanking new VAX 8600,
but Ramtek does not have a UNIX/Ultrix driver for their new
interface.  The new DEC/8600 interface is a Ramtek 510854-01
and has the same outboard cabling as the original DMA board (Ramtek
part 506222).  

Does anyone have a device driver for the Ramtek RM-9300
that runs under Ultrix 1.2?  (UNIX 4.2 driver might be OK).

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.  Respond by e-mail,
since I don't read the net anymore.  Thanks, gang.

--Hal Stern
  Member, Droid Staff
  Princeton University
  {allegra, ihnp4, seismo}!princeton!stern

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