Gnuplot addendum

PLOT project administrators plot at vu-vlsi.UUCP
Thu Nov 20 10:53:40 AEST 1986

We tried to make the Gnuplot posting perfect, but no such luck!

We'll be glad to mail out the latest files if you send us a Self-Addressed
Stamped Envelope with a formatted 360K PC floppy.  Let us know what files you
want:  source code, help files, or executable for MS-DOS, VMS, Pyramid.
Send a couple formatted floppies if you want them all!

    GNUPLOT Project
    EE Dept.
    Villanova University
    Villanova, PA  19085

There were a few typos in the help files, but nothing important enough
to warrant a new posting yet...

If compiling on a PC, please change MAX_UDFS from 30 to 20 in 'plot.h'
(inside #ifdef PC).

Three PC files--make.msc, corgraph.asm, and pcgraph.asm--had a couple lines
of junk on the end of them, but fortunately, they'll work anyway (MASM
ignores anything after an END statement; MAKE complains, but does its job
anyway).  Just delete the lines after the link statement in make.msc if
you want to...  Also, the 'help' program doesn't work under MS-DOS, but we've
got the help files formatted into a single file which you can print out at
least, to approximate documentation!  If you want this, send a floppy per
above, or a couple bucks to cover photocopying...

Two VMS files--COMPILE.COM and LINK.COM--were missing.  They follow this
paragraph.  BTW:  make sure you SET TERM/NOWRAP before running GNUPLOT!

$ set verify
$ cc command.c
$ cc eval.c
$ cc graphics.c
$ cc internal.c
$ cc misc.c
$ cc parse.c
$ cc plot.c
$ cc scanner.c
$ cc standard.c
$ cc term.c /define=(AED,REGIS,TEK,HP,QMS) ! change these as necessary
$ cc util.c
$ cc version.c
$ set noverify

$ define/nolog lnk$library sys$library:vaxcrtl
$ link/exe=gnuplot command,eval,graphics,internal,misc,parse,plot,scanner, -

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