John P. Nelson jpn at teddy.UUCP
Tue Nov 25 03:47:21 AEST 1986

>	As a Modula-2 enthusiast, I implore you to stop polluting the
>net with this stuff.  Couldn't you at least take a mail survey to see
>if there is enough interest to justify posting.  You could, after all,
>set up an anonymous ftp account, or put the stuff in uucppublic, or
>just mail the whole package on request.

Even better:  Learn how to shar these files together, then submit them
to mod.sources so that they get archived properly.  As it is, even if I
was interested, I have no complete list of what files to expect, so I
have no idea if all the files arrived intact.  Also, the description of
what the files WERE arrived much later than the first bunch of sources:
I'm afraid the first bunch of sources expired before the explaination

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