programming languages

Gary Puckering garyp at cognos.UUCP
Sat Nov 22 00:46:15 AEST 1986

In article <928 at brl-adm.ARPA> ADELSBER%AWIWUW11.BITNET at writes:
>        We  are setting up a new lab for teaching  programming  languages
>        and program language design.  We have a micro-vax using Unix  4.2
>        BSD.  We  need urgently compilers and interpreters (public domain
>        or  not too expensive) for general purpose programming  languages
>        such as Ada, Apl, C, CSP, FP, Hope, Lisp, Miranda, Modula, Occam,
>        Prolog, Smalltalk, Setl, Snobol, Sasl, etc.
>        Any help is appreciated.
>        Demuth, Technische Universitaet Wien
>        (College of Engineering, Vienna)
>        Please send your answers to:
>        adelsberawiwuw11 (bitnet, earn)

Concurrent Euclid (CE) is a programming language designed for
implementing software that is efficient, reliable and portable.  It is
particularly suited for implementing operating systems, compilers and
specialized microprocessor applications.  It can serve as the basis for
producing verifiable system software.  CE is a Pascal derivitive.

CE has been designed to allow its compiler to be small, fast and
portable.  Such a compiler exists, with replaceable high-quality code
generators for various target machine architectures including PDP-11,
VAX, MC68000 and MC6809.

An order form for CE, and for the UNIX-like operating system TUNIS
(written in CE) can be obtained from:

  Distribution Manager
  Computer Systems Research Institute
  University of Toronto
  10 Kings College Road, SF2002
  Toronto, Ontario  CANADA
  M5S 1A4

  Telephone:  (416) 978-6985

The source license fee is about $200 (Educational) or $500 (Commercial).

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