
Mahboud Zabetian zabetia at tiger.Princeton.EDU
Fri Nov 21 17:42:52 AEST 1986

This is regarding Tim Stoehr's funny little program.  I redirected the output 
to a file and was surprised with what I got.  Some of you might be interested(
if the control characters are still there)


=[;H[2J[3;31H__---------__[4;29H_~		   ~_
			   /			\
			  ~			~
			 /			\
			 |    [7mXXXX[m	[7mXXXX[m    |
			 |    [7mXXXX[m	[7mXXXX[m    |
			 |    [7mXXX[m	[7mXXX[m    |
			  \	    [7m@[m		/
			   --\	   [7m@@@[m	   /--
			    | |	   [7m@@@[m	  | |
			    | |		  | |
			    |		    |
			    |		    |
				\_		  _/


I hope it got through fine.  Otherwise, flame me.
Mahboud Zabetian		allegra! --\	zabetia at
232 Pyne Hall			mhuxi! -----\		(609) 452-2285
Princeton University		seismo! -----\		(609) 734-0246
Princeton, NJ 08544		attunix! ------ princeton!zabetia 

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