VMS-like help--needed for Gnuplot

plot at vu-vlsi.UUCP plot at vu-vlsi.UUCP
Sat Nov 22 15:54:01 AEST 1986

This is a VMS-like help program for Unix.  It was posted to the net a
while ago, but we can't find the author's name anywhere.  It's needed by
Gnuplot (a plotting program posted last week, see <425 at vu-vlsi>) to provide
on-line help.

To whomever wrote this:  sorry we're unable to give you credit here!  It's
a very nice program... :-)

This code compiles under 4.2bsd but not SysV, and definitely not MS-DOS.
MS-DOS users will have to put up with 'gnuplot.mem', which is just the
help files formatted into pseudo-manual, suitable for printing.  You can
get it and the PC executable by sending us a formatted 360K PC floppy:

	GNUPLOT project
	EE Dept.
	Villanova University
	Villanova, PA  19085

or send a couple bucks and we'll mail you the printed version...
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	Makefile
#	help.1
#	help.c
#	help.h
# This archive created: Thu Nov 20 17:00:38 1986
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(1421 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'

 Help is a facility for climbing a tree structure.

 Help comes in two types: a help topic with subtopics, or a help topic
 without any subtopics.  

	Topics that have no subtopics reside in the directory they are
	a subtopic of, with filenames `topicname.HLP'

	Topics that have subtopics of their own reside in directories
	which are subdirectories of the help topic of which they are
	subtopics, and have filenames `.HLP'  Thier subtopics have the
	filenames `topicname.HLP'.  A directory for a subtopic just
	has the subtopic's name as its directory name.

	For instance, if you had a help topic "ls" with some subtopics,
	/usr/help/ls would be a directory, containing the files

		/usr/help/ls/.HLP	main help text
		/usr/help/ls/.MANUAL	shell script for accessing man page
		/usr/help/ls/options.HLP	help for ls options
		/usr/help/ls/output.HLP		help for ls output format

	If you had a simple help for the who command, "who", it would comprise
	the following files at the top level:

		/usr/help/who.HLP	help text for who(1)
		/usr/help/who.MANUAL	script for accessing who(1) man page

To make help, cd to the directory, and type: 

	% make help


	% make install

if you are ambitious.  The source for help is one C module, help.c, with a 
header file, help.h.

Help uses the more(1) program to read help texts.  Make sure that more
resides on the path specified by the VIEWPROGRAM defined symbol in help.h.

if test 1421 -ne "`wc -c < 'README'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 1421 characters)'
chmod +x 'README'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'Makefile'" '(418 characters)'
if test -f 'Makefile'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
#  help Makefile, 1.1	7/27/84
DESTDIR= /usr/local/bin

help:	help.o 
	${CC} ${CFLAGS} help.o -o help

install: help
	install -s help $(DESTDIR)

	cp help.1 /usr/man/manl/help.l

help.o: help.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/param.h

help.shar: README Makefile help.1 help.c help.h
	shar -vc README Makefile help.1 help.c help.h > help.shar

	rm -f a.out core help.o help
if test 418 -ne "`wc -c < 'Makefile'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 418 characters)'
chmod +x 'Makefile'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'help.1'" '(4907 characters)'
if test -f 'help.1'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'help.1'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'help.1'
.TH HELP 1 "29 November 1984"
.UC 4
help \- user-friendly documentation reader
.B help
[ -dlqCn ] [ topic-path ]
.I Help
is a documentation reader based closely on the VMS(tm) help facility.
Documentation texts are arranged in a tree, and the users reads them with
.I more(1).
Help allows documentation to be treated as an n-tree, the
structure of the help tree is the structure of the directory tree in
which the help files reside.
The help program is invoked from the shell like
	help  [ -dlqCn ] topic sub-topic sub-sub-topic ...
.I Topic
may be any top-level help file name.  A 
.I topic-path
is a path of topics and their subtopics, down into the tree.
Topic and subtopic names may be abbreviated, but no wild-cards
are recognized.
If any switches are present they all must follow a single dash,
and be the first option on the command line.
The options are:
.TP 5
.B d
Next argument is the help root directory.  Default is /usr/help.
.TP 5
.B l
Use list-only mode.  Only the list of subtopics for the command-line
help path is printed.  Interactive mode is not used.
.TP 5
.B q
Use text-only mode.  Only the text of the help path is printed.
mode is not used.
.TP 5
.B C
Forces multi-column output of subtopic lists.
This is the default for interactive mode.
.TP 5
.B n
Force one-topic-per-line output of the subtopics lists.
This is the default for list mode.
The help interactive mode asks the user what help he would like next.
The prompt looks like this:
or like this:
vi commands deletion subtopic?
Where "vi commands deletion" is the 
.I "help tree path."
This path is printed for each prompt, and as a header for each help
The following commands are meaningful in to the "topic?" prompt:
.TP 5
.B ?
Print current help and subtopic-list again.
.TP 5
.B ".<topic-name>"
Do a UNIX Programmer's Manual lookup (if possible).  If other characters
follow the dot, they are taken as the filename for the .MANUAL file.
(e.g. command '.who' looks for file who.MANUAL)
.TP 5
.B "Return <CR>"
Exit this level of help.  If at top level, goes back to calling
.TP 5
.B "<subtopic-name>"
Read the documentation for this subtopic, or all subtopics for which
this is a legal abbreviation.  Wildcards are not permitted, but a
short abbreviation matches everything longer.
.TP 5
.B "#"
List the available subtopics again.  This lists the subtopics of this
node, and re-prompts the user.  The help text is NOT re-printed.
.TP 5
.B "$<topicname>"
List some information on the files that make up this topic.  Files
that match the abbreviation of `topicname' are looked up with 
.I file(1).
.sp 1
Help files are the text and directories of the 
.I help
documentation tree.
There are four kinds of help files: topic directory, help file,
subtopic file, and manual file.
A topic directory is a directory with the name of the subtopic it
describes (e.g.  /usr/help/ls/options is a topic directory about the
topic of options for 
.I ls(1)).
A help file is a file of formatted text with the name ".HLP".  It
resides in the topic directory for which it is the description text.
A subtopic file has the name  "subtopic-name.HLP".  It contains the
text for a subtopic which does not itself have any subtopics.
A manual file contains the commands to be given to 
.I sh(1)
when the user gives the lookup manual command (.).
This file has name <topic>.MANUAL.  Therefore the manual command
script for the current node is just ".MANUAL".
A manual file resides in the same topic directory as the help text 
whose corresponding
manual it accesses.  
The manual may be a shell script or a binary file, but it must be marked
executable by all users.
.sp 1
The usual way of calling help is to just type 
.sp 1
.I help
in the shell.  This brings up help interactive mode at the top level
of topics.  The user can always abort with ctrl/D.
Neal Ziring with George Robbert, Washington University in St. Louis.
more(1), man(1), sh(1), system(2), access(2)
Error messages are printed whenever a request is made to get
documentation that does not exists, or is not accessible.  
Signals are not trapped.
The file naming conventions are somewhat strict.
No wildcards allowed in topic names.  (Could have made them reg. exp.
but that would be confusing to novices.)
Terminal type is not checked, the display is assumed to be at least 76
columns wide.
There is no way for the user to specify another program for viewing
files ("more -d" is always used.)  This is coded into the header file.
The algorithm used for selecting amoung ambiguous help paths is
non-obvious, and can be confusing when too-short abbreviations are used.

if test 4907 -ne "`wc -c < 'help.1'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'help.1'" '(should have been 4907 characters)'
chmod +x 'help.1'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'help.c'" '(17348 characters)'
if test -f 'help.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'help.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'help.c'
#include "help.h"
#define MAXMATCHES	24

 * modified slightly, R. Perry 9/21/86

 /* ************************************************************
  * 			H   E   L   P    !!
  *		     =========================
  * 	This program emulates the VMS help facility in the UNIX
  *  environment.  The main routine HELP1 looks up help and 
  *  subtopics for help.  The help texts for various topix 
  *  are tree-structured.  A directory is defined as a "help"
  *  directory, it has four types of files in it:
  *		main help text: 	.HLP
  *		manual page name:	.MANUAL
  *		subtopic texts:		<topicname>.HLP
  *		subtopic directories:	<topicname>
  *	Subtopic names must start with an alphanumeric
  *  character.  Preferably all subtopics will start with
  *  lowercase letters.
  *	The routine help1 is recursive, it descends the	tree
  *  structure.

  main(argc, argv)
  	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	int i,j,k;
	int longlen;
	char yesno[10];
	char *opts;
	helpdir = NULL;
	dumb_flag = 0;
	list_flag = 0;
	frst_flag = 1;
	col_flag  = 1;

	if (*(*++argv) == '-') {		/* must be options */
		for (opts = *argv; *opts != '\0'; opts++) {
			switch(*opts) {
			   case '-' :	

			   case 'd' :	
			   	if (argc > 1) {
					helpdir = *++argv;

			   case 'l' :
			   	list_flag = 1;
				col_flag = 0;

			   case 'q' :
			   	dumb_flag = 1;

			   case 'C' :
			   	col_flag = 1;

			   case 'n' :
			   	col_flag = 0;

			        fprintf(stderr,"%s: %c: bad option.\n",
		argc--; argv++;

	if (helpdir == NULL) helpdir = HELPDIR;

	if (chdir(helpdir) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: help directory not found.\n",

	if (argc >= 1) {		/* treat vector as a help path */
#ifdef DEBUG
	    fprintf(stderr,"help path vector, argc=%d, *argv=%s.\n",
	    help1( "", argv, 0);

	else	help1( "", NULL, 0);


 /* **************************************************************
  * printhelp: given a string, pop .HLP on the end on do 
  *	a more on it.
  *	This routine sends a help file to more(1).  A string
  *  is passed in, which is the name of a help.  If the string
  *  is nil, then just use the name HLP.
  *	The return value is -1 if no help file is accessible, 
  *  0 if the more(1) command was called okay with fkoff();

  printhelp(hs, path)
  	char *hs;
	char filename[MAXNAMELEN], comm[MAXNAMELEN + 20];

	if (hs == NULL) strcpy(filename,HELPEX);
	else if (strlen(hs) < 1) strcpy(filename, HELPEX);
	else {
		strcpy(filename, hs);

	if ( access(filename, R_OK) < 0 ) {
		printf("\nSorry, no help text for %s.\n",
			(hs==NULL)?"this topic":hs );

	if (path != NULL) printf("\n%s\n\n",path);
/*	if (path != NULL) printf("\n HELP: %s\n",path); */



/* *************************************************************
 * printtopix: print the topics available in this directory
 *		in a nice format.
 *	This routine does a directory of help options, 
 *  and prints them out in a manner similar to that of ls(1).
 *  All filenames which start with anything other than numbers 
 *  or letters are not kept.  Extensions are stripped off.
 *	The number of subtopics found is returned, along with
 *  a pointer to a null-terminated vector of string pointers.
 *  If the mode is non-zero, it means just use the strings stored
 *  in topix.  If mode==0, then re-allocate space and re-check
 *  the directory.  If mode

 printtopix( topix, mode, supress)
 	char *topix[];
	int mode, supress;
	int i,j,k,l;
	int longlen;
	int  namewidth, totalnames, rowcnt, colcnt;
	char *malloc(), *nbuf;
	char row[TERMWID+1];
	char *thisname, *index(), *rindex();
	char *s1, *s2, **nxtname, *nxcnt;
	struct direct *readdir(), *filedat;
	DIR *dirp, *opendir();

	if ( mode ) {
		for(nxtname=topix, i=0; *nxtname++ != NULL; i++ );
		totalnames = i;
		goto inputtopix;

	/* if mode is zero, then allocate space and search the directory */
	nbuf = malloc( MAXNAMES * MAXNAMELEN );
	dirp = opendir(".");
	if (dirp == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot open help directory.\n",progname);

	for(nxtname=topix, i=0; i < (MAXNAMES-1) ; ) {
		filedat = readdir(dirp);
		if (filedat == NULL) break;
		thisname = filedat->d_name;

/*		if ( !(isalnum(*thisname)) )    /* if not in [0-9A-Za-z] */
/*				continue;	/* do the next one.      */
/*		if ( (s1 = index(thisname,'.')) != NULL) {		 */

		if ( (s1 = rindex(thisname,'.')) != NULL) {
			if (strcmp(s1, HELPEX) == 0) *s1 = '\0';
			else continue;
/*			else if ( strcmp(s1, MANEX) == 0) continue;	 */
		if (strlen(thisname) >= MAXNAMELEN)
			*(thisname+MAXNAMELEN-1) = '\0';
		/* copy in data from this loop */
		*nxtname++ = nxcnt; 
		/* update pointers for next loop */
		nxcnt += strlen(thisname) + 1;
	*nxtname++ = NULL;
	totalnames = i;

	if (totalnames == 0) return(0);
	/* sort the names in ascending order with exchange algorithm */
	for(i=0; i < totalnames-1; i++)
		for(j=i+1; j <totalnames; j++)
			if (strcmp(topix[i],topix[j]) > 0) {
				thisname = topix[i];
				topix[i] = topix[j];
				topix[j] = thisname;

	if (supress) return(totalnames);

	longlen = 0;
	for(i=0; i < totalnames; i++ )
		longlen = ((k=strlen(topix[i]))>longlen)?k:longlen;

	/* here print the names out in nice columns */
	namewidth = longlen + COLUMNSPACE;
	rowcnt = TERMWID / namewidth;
	colcnt = (totalnames + (rowcnt-1)) / rowcnt ;
	if (colcnt <= 0) colcnt = 1;

	if (col_flag && rowcnt > 1) {
		printf("\n Subtopics:\n\n");
		for(i=0; i < colcnt ; i++ ) {
			for(k=0; k < TERMWID; row[k++] = ' ');
			row[k] = '\0';
			for(j=0, s1 = row; 
		    	    (i+j) < totalnames; 
		    	    j += colcnt) {
				row[strlen(row)] = ' ';
				s1 = s1 + namewidth;
			printf("    %s\n",row);
	else {
		for(i=0; i < totalnames; i++)


 /* ****************************************************************
  * help1: descend recursive help tree and provide some
  *	     user services.
  *	This routine is the heart of the new UNIX help facility.
  *  It climbs recursively around an n-tree of documentation files
  *  and directories.  The routine printhelp() outputs a file of
  *  help text, the routine printtopix prints out all subtopics.
  *	This routine can operate in interactive mode, or not.  The
  *  basic cycle of operation is:
  *		if (not list-only-mode) print help.
  *		if (not quiet-mode)	print list.
  *		if (not interactive)	return.
  *		print prompt and do commands.
  *		return.
  *	There are a number of commands available in the
  *  interactive mode, they are:
  *		blank line:	up recursive level.
  *		subtopic name:	recurse to subtopic.
  *		?:		list topics again.
  *		*:		get list of commands
  *		$:		get info on topix
  *		^D:		quit help program.
  *		.:		man page (if any).
  *		#		list topics again

  	char *ppt;				/* prompt */
	char *svec[];
	int  skip;


	int i,j,k, err;
	int no_subs;
	char answer[MAXLINELEN];
	char fullpath[MAXNAMELEN + 11];
	char yesno[10];
	char *topix[MAXNAMES], *mx[MAXMATCHES];
	int  matchv();
	char *index(), *getenv();
	char *s1, *s2, *s3, *rest;
	char *wvec[MAXMATCHES];
	char cmdbuf[90];

	if ( svec != NULL  && *svec != NULL) {
	    printtopix( topix, 0, 1);
	    if ( (k = matchv(*svec, topix, mx)) == 0) {
		printf("Sorry, no help path to %s %s\n\n",ppt,*svec);
	    for(i=0, err = -1; mx[i] != NULL; ) {
		if (i > 0)
		  j = takeit("Next help path: %s %s\nTry it?",ppt,mx[i]);
		if (j == 1) { i++; continue; }
		if (j < 0)  break;
		strcat(fullpath," ");
		if ( chdir(mx[i]) < 0) {
		    if ( *(svec + 1) != NULL ) {
		    if (list_flag) 
			printhelp( mx[i],fullpath);
		    if (!dumb_flag) help1(ppt,NULL,1);
		    err = 0;
		else {
		    if ( help1(fullpath,(svec+1),0) >= 0) {
			err = 0;
			if (!dumb_flag) help1(ppt,NULL,1);
		    else chdir("..");

	if ( !list_flag && !skip) 
	    if (printhelp(NULL, ppt) < 0) {

	if ( !list_flag && !dumb_flag && ( access(MANEX, R_OK) >= 0) && !skip)
		printf("\n Manual page is available.\n");

	if ( !dumb_flag ) {
	    if ( printtopix( topix, 0, skip) <= 0 ) {
		no_subs = 1;
	    else no_subs= 0;

	if ( dumb_flag  ||  list_flag ) return(0);

	while ( 1 ) {
		if (frst_flag) {
			printf("(type '*' for commands)\n");
			frst_flag = 0;
		if ( strlen(ppt) < 1 ) printf("%s",PROMPT);
		else		 printf("%s %s",ppt+1,SUBPROMPT);
		if ( fgets(answer, MAXLINELEN-1, stdin) == NULL ) {
/*			printf("\nbye...\n"); */
/*			exit(1);	      */

		/* first remove any leading blanks or tabs */
		for(s1=answer; *s1 == ' ' || *s1 == '	'; s1++);

		/* chop off all of answer after first word. */
		s2 = index(s1, ' ');
		if (s2 == 0) s2 = index(s1, '\n');
		if (s2) { *s2 = '\0'; rest = s2+1; }
		else rest = s1 + (strlen(s1) - 1);

		if ( strlen(s1) == 0 )		/*  on blank line, */
			break;			/* pop up one level*/

		switch (*s1) {
	    	    case '?':			/* ?: print stuff again */
		    	printhelp(NULL, ppt);
			if ( access(MANEX, R_OK) >= 0 )
			    printf("\n Manual page is available.\n");
	    		if (!no_subs) printtopix(topix, 1,0);
			else	printf("\nSorry, no subtopics.\n\n");

		    case '#':
			if (!no_subs) printtopix( topix, 1,0);
			else    printf("\nSorry, no subtopics.\n\n");

		    case '*':			/* *: list commands */
		        for(i=0; helpcmds[i] != NULL; i++) {
				printf("	%s\n",helpcmds[i]);

		    case '$':			/* $: find out about files */
		    	s2 = s1 + 1;
			if (no_subs) {
				printf("\nSorry, no subtopics.\n\n");
			strcpy(cmdbuf, INFOHEAD);
			strcat(cmdbuf,"* ");
			strcat(cmdbuf, INFOTAIL);
			printf("\nFile information: \n");

	    	    case '.':			/* .: do manpage if any */
		    	s2 = s1 + 1;
			if (no_subs) {
				printf("\nSorry, no subtopics.\n\n");
			if ( *s2 == '\0' ) {
				mx[0] = "";  mx[1] = NULL; k = 1;
			else if ( (k = matchv( s2, topix, mx)) == 0 ) {
			   printf("\nSorry, no topics match %s\n",s2);
			   printf("(list commands with '*', topics with '#')\n");
			for( i=0; i < k; i++ ) {
				if (access(cmdbuf, R_OK|X_OK ) < 0) {
					if (access(cmdbuf,R_OK|X_OK) < 0) {
					    printf("\nSorry, %s for %s.\n\n",
					      "No manual reference available",
				if (i > 0) {
				     takeit("Next man page: %s.\nTake it? ",
				     if (k ==  1) continue;
				     if (k == -1) break;
					/* source contents of .MANUAL file */

		    default:			/* must be a topic spec */
		        if ( no_subs )  {
				printf("\nSorry, no subtopics.\n\n");
			if ( (k = matchv( s1, topix, mx)) == 0 ) {
			   printf("\nSorry, no help for %s.\n",s1);
			   printf("(list commands with '*', topics with '#')\n");
			   break;	/* leave switch */

#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr,"diag: wvec= '%s' '%s' ...\n",

		        for(i=0; i < k; i++) {
			    s3 = mx[i];

			    if (i > 0) {
			        j=takeit("\nNext %s subtopic: %s\nTake it? ",
				if (j ==  1) continue;
				if (j == -1) break;

			    if ( chdir(s3) >= 0 ) {  /* directory  subtopic */
			    	strcat(fullpath," ");
			    	help1(fullpath,wvec,0);		/* recurse */
				if ( strcmp(getwd(newdir),helpdir) )
			    }			/* else text subtopic */
			    else  {
				strcpy(fullpath, ppt);
				strcat(fullpath, " ");
				strcat(fullpath, s3);
				printhelp(s3, fullpath);

		}	/* end of switch */

	}	/* end of while(1) */

	if (!no_subs && (*topix != NULL) ) free( *topix );


  }	/* end of help1 */

/* ****************************************************************
 * takeit: ask user whether to take next topic, return t or f
 *	This routine takes a message, with format, and asks the 
 *  user whether he wants to do the action, not do the action,
 *  or quit the cycle of actions.
 *	y - return  0
 *	n - return  1
 *	q - return -1
 *	? - tell what y, n, and q do.
 *      * - tell what y, n, and q do.
 *     <CR> - carriage return
 *	Naturally, case is insignificant.

   char *fmt, *m1, *m2, *m3;

	char ans[40];
	int  done, ret;
	char *fgets();

	for(done = 0; !done; ) {
		if (fmt != NULL) printf(fmt, m1, m2, m3);
		printf(" [ynq] ");
		if (fgets(ans, 39, stdin) == NULL) exit(1);  /* abort */
		if (*ans == 'n') {
			done = 1;
			ret = 1;
		else if (*ans == 'y' || *ans == '\n') {
			done = 1;
			ret = 0;
		else if (*ans == 'q') {
			done = 1;
			ret = -1;
		else printf("Answer y to get next subtopic, n to skip, q to quit.\n");

 /* ***************************************************************
  * matchv: return all matches of a string in a vector.
  *	This routine accepts a string and a vector of strings. 
  *  The string is supposed to be an abbreviation of one or more
  *  strings in the vector.  The full versions of the strings are
  *  placed in a another vector (which is in a static area) and
  *  a pointer to that vector returned.  Note that the input
  *  vector of pointers must have NULL as its terminating element.
  *  The output vector will also terminate with NULL.
  *	NOTE: The vector returned contains pointers into the input
  *  vector.  Do not, therefore, mess with the contents of the output
  *  vector.
  *  If NULL is returned, nothing matched, or there was some other
  *  error.

  matchv( src, vec, mx)
    char *src;
    char *vec[];
    char *mx[];
	char *m[MAXMATCHES];
	char  *s1, *s2;
	int i,j, slen;

	if ( (slen = strlen(src)) == 0 ) return(NULL);  

	for(i=0, j=0; vec[i] != NULL && j < MAXMATCHES; i++)
		if ( strncmp(src,vec[i],slen) == 0   && 
		     strlen(vec[i]) >= slen )
		   		m[j++] = vec[i];
	m[j] = NULL;
	for(i=0; i <= j; mx[i] = m[i], i++);

 /* *****************************************************************
  * fkoff: fork a process and return the exit status of the process.
  *    This routine takes a command line separated into words, and
  *  uses vfork(2) and execve(2) to quickly run the program.
  *  This is a simplified version of the fkoff() routine from dcon(8).
  *  Here, a program name and up to four arguments may be passed in.
  *  If one of them is null, FINE, but the fifth 

    char *prg, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4;

	char *command, *malloc(), *argvec[6];
	int pid, stat, i;

	for(i=0; i < 6; argvec[i++] = NULL);
	argvec[0] = prg;
	argvec[1] = arg1;
	argvec[2] = arg2;
	argvec[3] = arg3;
	argvec[4] = arg4;
	if (argvec[0] == NULL) return(-1);
	command = malloc( strlen(argvec[0]) + 1);
	pid = vfork();    /* fork 2 copies of us */
	if (pid == 0)  { /* we are child, execve the program. */
   		pid = execve(command,argvec,environ);
	else {          /* we are parent, wait for child */
		pid = wait(&stat);
		if (pid == -1) return(pid);
		stat = stat / 0400;   /* get hi byte of status */

/* **************************************************************
 * makewvec: make a vector of words, up to 7 of them
 *    This routine uses index to simply parse a string
 *  made up of (possibly) several blank-separated words.
 *  The words are stored into the slots of a vector, as pointers
 *  into the original string.  Therefore, the original string
 *  is destroyed.
 makewvec(sstr, rvec)
     char *sstr;
     char *rvec[];
    int mcnt = 0;
    int done = 0;
    char *s1, *s2, *index();

    if (strlen(sstr) == 0) {
	rvec[0] = NULL;
    else {
	/* skip leading whitespace */
	for(s1=sstr; iswhite(*s1); s1++);
	for(mcnt = 0, done = 0; !done; mcnt++) {
	    s2 = index(s1,' ');
	    if (s2 == NULL) s2 = index(s1,'	');
	    if (s2 == NULL) s2 = index(s1,'\n');
	    if (s2 != NULL) *s2 = '\0';
	    rvec[mcnt] = s1;
	    if (s2 == NULL) done = 1;
	    else {
		/* skip more white space */
		for(s1 = s2+1; iswhite(*s1); s1++);
		if (*s1 == '\0') done = 1;
	rvec[mcnt] = NULL;
if test 17348 -ne "`wc -c < 'help.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'help.c'" '(should have been 17348 characters)'
chmod +x 'help.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'help.h'" '(1739 characters)'
if test -f 'help.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'help.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'help.h'

         *	help.h: header file for the VMS-help emulator

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>

#define iswhite(_c)       (_c ==' ' || _c =='	' || _c =='\n' || _c =='\r')
#define PROMPT "Topic? "
#define SUBPROMPT "subtopic? "
#define HELPEX	".HLP"				/* help extension */
#define	MANEX	".MANUAL"			/* manual filename*/
#define MAN_SUBEX "/.MANUAL"                    /* other man filename */
#define INFOHEAD "file "
#define INFOTAIL " | sed 's/^/     /'"

#define	MAXLINELEN	128
#define	MAXNAMELEN	 20		/* max length of NAME of topix */
#define	MAXNAMES	256		/* maximum number of subtopics */
#define COLUMNSPACE	  4
#define TERMWID		 76
#define HELPDIR "/usr/help"
#define VIEWPROGRAM  "/usr/ucb/more"    /* program to look at text */
#define VIEWPROGOPTS1 "-s"
#define VIEWPROGOPTS2 "-18"
/* #define VIEWPROGRAM  "/usr/ucb/more"    /* program to look at text */
/* #define VIEWPROGOPTS1 "-d" */
/* #define VIEWPROGOPTS1 "-s" */
/* #define VIEWPROGOPTS2 "-18" */
#define SHELLPROG    "/bin/sh"		/* program to execute text */
#define SHELLOPTS    "-c"

char 	progname[MAXNAMELEN];
char	olddir[MAXNAMELEN + 68];
char	newdir[MAXNAMELEN + 68];
char	*helpdir;
char	**environ;	/* environment, for forks */

int	dumb_flag;
int	list_flag;
int	col_flag;
int	frst_flag;

char	*helpcmds[] =
	{ "Return - Exit this level of help",
	  "*	  - Print this message",
	  "?	  - Reprint this help and its subtopics",
	  "#	  - Reprint just subtopics of this help",
	  ".	  - Look at current manual page, if any",
	  "$<topic>	- Get information on topic files",
	  ".<topic>	- Look at topic manual page, if any",
	  "<topic> 	- Look at help for subtopic `topic'" ,

if test 1739 -ne "`wc -c < 'help.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'help.h'" '(should have been 1739 characters)'
chmod +x 'help.h'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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