OSSI: SITerminal

ACM Student Chapter cwruacm at cwruecmp.UUCP
Wed Nov 19 05:14:33 AEST 1986

In article <8380003 at hpisoa1.HP.COM> cire at hpisoa1.HP.COM (Eric B. Decker) writes:
>Yes but what the hell is OSSI?

Operating System Standard Interface.  This is an attempt to define a standard
interface for Modula-2 implementations, to enhance portability of code.  The
definition modules posted define such an interface.  This is a pretty good
idea, in my opinion, since the facilities provided by the underlying system
and the interfaces to these facilities differ greatly from implementation to
implementation (e.g. the IO package).

						Chet Ramey

Trademark is a Disclaimer of Bell Labs

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	"But we decide which is right
	 and which is an illusion..."
				The Moody Blues

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