PHOON, first bug report.

Jef Poskanzer jef at unisoft.UUCP
Sat Nov 22 02:54:33 AEST 1986

A minor bug in PHOON, first pointed out by David Eppstein
<eppstein at>.  To fix, in phoon.c replace
the line:
		atflridx = atflridx % atflrlen;
		atflridx = ( atflridx + 1 ) % atflrlen;

Also, Mark Hilliard <mark at gizzmo.UUCP> says: "Help, while trying to
compile phoon my system died while trying to load ranlib.a.  Since I
dont have this lib I was wandering what it is and where I can get it.
I am running a 7300 (SYS5.3)"  Mark, ranlib is not a library, it's
a program required on BSD systems to add a table of contents to
libraries.  On System V, you don't need it, so just comment it out
of the Makefile and you should be fine.

	       Jef Poskanzer, UniSoft Systems, Berkeley
		   unisoft!jef at ucbvax.Berkeley.Edu
		Jef Poskanzer, UniSoft Systems, Berkeley
		    unisoft!jef at ucbvax.Berkeley.Edu

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