Proff macros to emulate Nroff ms macros

George Walker georgew at tekig4.UUCP
Sun Nov 16 09:35:52 AEST 1986

Well, no one responded to my requests for this, so I went ahead and wrote a
macro package for Proff.  (For the uninitiated, proff is similar to nroff,
but runs on micros.)  This is a hack.  It only supports some of the common
ms macros, and leaves out some important ones like .IP that are trickier.
If someone thinks they have a better package, please mail or post.

George S. Walker	  {decvax,ucbvax,...}!tektronix!tekig4!georgew UUCP
Tektronix, Inc.		  tekig4!georgew at tektronix		       CSNET
P.O. Box 500, M/S 39-222  tekig4!georgew.tektronix at Udel-Relay          ARPANET
Beaverton, OR 97077	  503-627-4669
.! This file includes the proff versions of a few common nroff ms macros.
.! These are NOT identical to the ms ones, but do almost the same things.
.! Set escape character same as ms uses
.ec \
.! Non-indented paragraph preceded by a blank line.
.de LP
.ne 2
.sp 1
.! Paragraph preceded by a blank line
.de PP
.ne 3
.sp 1
.ti +5
.! Paragraph NOT preceded by a blank line (same as ms ".PP 0")
.de PP0
.ne 2
.ti +5
.! Relative indented section
.de RS
.sp 1
.in +5
.! End of relative indented section
.de RE
.in -5
.! Quoted paragraph (indent both margins by 5)
.de QP
.sp 1
.rm -5
.lm +5
.! End of quoted paragraph
.de QE
.rm +5
.lm -5
.! Bold font for words on line
.de B
.bold 1
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
.! Italic font for words on line (actually underline)
.de I
.ul 1
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
.! Underline words on line
.de UL
.ul 1
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
.! Force a line break
.de BR
.! Set line spacing
.de LS
.ls $1
.! Insert N blank lines
.de SP
.sp $1
.! Force a page break
.de BP
.! Set Date (not implemented)
.de ND
.! Enable/Disable hyphenation (not implemented)
.de HY
.! Section Heading (centered)
.de SH
.ne 4
.sp 1
.ce on
.! End of section heading
.de EH
.ce off
.! Centered, literal display
.de CD
.ce on
.ne 3
.! Literal display
.de DS
.ne 3
.! Literal display
.de LD
.ne 3
.! Indented section
.de IS
.in +8
.ne 3
.! Need lines on page
.de NE
.ne $1
.! Display end
.de DE
.ce off
.! Indented section end
.de IE
.in -8
.! Return to Roman text
.de R
.ul off
.bd off
.! Generate table of contents entry
.de TC
.cl 0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
.! Center and Bold a title line
.de TL
.ce 1
.bd 1

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