
Lawrence W. McVoy mcvoy at rsch.WISC.EDU
Sat Nov 29 02:04:00 AEST 1986

It seems that I have (once again) overstepped the bounds of good behavior.
I posted a message making what I thought was a valid comment about the
readership of net.sources.d (now comp.sources.d).  I immediately (and
rightly) received many, many angry messages about this.  I posted again 
asking people to lay off because I thought we didn't even have sources.d.

Well, it turns out we do.  Even more to the point it, I was wrong.  I could
offer excuses but I don't think that would cut it.  So I'm offering an
apology instead.  Please accept my apologies and rest assured that it won't
happen again.
Larry McVoy 	        mcvoy at rsch.wisc.edu, 
      		        {seismo, topaz, harvard, ihnp4, etc}!uwvax!mcvoy

"They're coming soon!  Quad-stated guru-gates!"

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