Explanation of OSSI posting

Edoardo Biagioni biagioni at unc.UUCP
Wed Nov 12 04:10:47 AEST 1986

I have received some requests for explanations about the
postings "OSSI: ModuleName". The following is an article
I posted to net.sources.d at about the same time. It is
reproduced here for those who may not read net.sources.d.

I have posted to net.sources the definition modules of the
OSSI standard system interface. For more details, refer
to net.lang.mod2 or to the following article:

	"A Portable Operating System Interface and Utility Library"
	by E. Biagioni, G. Heiser, K. Hinrichs and C. Muller.
which appears in the November issue of IEEE Software.

	Ed Biagioni

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