PLOT project administrators plot at vu-vlsi.UUCP
Fri Nov 21 04:40:40 AEST 1986

    Here is an important patch to our QMS laser-printer driver.  It was
sent to us by Charles Hedrick (elbereth!hedrick).  The diffs force the
printer to spit out pages between plots and fixes some linetype bugs. 

It is in standard diff format.

                                    -Thomas Williams & Colin Kelley

---------------SNIP HERE!----------------------------------------------

< 	fprintf(outfile,"^IOL\n");
> /* This was just ^IOL, but at Rutgers at least we need some more stuff */
>   fprintf(outfile,"^PY^-\n^IOL\n^ISYNTAX00000^F^IB11000^IJ00000^IT00000\n");
< 	fprintf(outfile,"^IGE\n^,");
> /* added ^-, because ^, after an ^I command doesn't actually print a page */
> /* Did anybody try this code out? */
> 	fprintf(outfile,"^IGE\n^-^,");
< static int type[9+2] =  {0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5};
< 	fprintf(outfile,"^PW%02d\n^V%x\n",width[linetype+2], type[linetype+2]);
> /*
>  * I don't know about Villanova, but on our printer, using ^V without
>  * previously setting up a pattern crashes the microcode.
>  */
> #ifdef notdef
>     static int type[9+2] =  {0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5};
>     fprintf(outfile,"^PW%02d\n^V%x\n",width[linetype+2], type[linetype+2]); 
> #endif
>     fprintf(outfile,"^PW%02d\n",width[linetype+2]); 
< 	fprintf(outfile,"^,\n");
> /* add ^- just in case last thing was ^I command */
> 	fprintf(outfile,"^-^,\n");

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