A couple of DPY bugs

wendt at megaron.UUCP wendt at megaron.UUCP
Wed Nov 26 13:38:19 AEST 1986

In dpyclrline, the line reading

	if (endcp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = cp;

should be changed to read

	if (endcp > wp->endchange) wp->endchange = endcp;

Also, the two versions of tgetstr (system V) that I have access to
both document the placement of the string in the area,
and neither actually do it, instead just returning pointers
to a string.  This causes an incorrect determination of the
length of this sequence (minus 1, to be exact).

The culprits are: Venix system V and the Teletype DMD emulator.

There's not a good solution for this bug (ie one that allow
nulls inside control sequences), but until tgetstr is fixed
it suffices to take the length with strlen.

I tried to get these to David Bell, but the Indians had cut the
telegraph lines.

Alan W.
Univ of Arizona Computer Science

"We hope that Professor Langley will not put his time, and the money
involved, in further airship experiments.  Life is short, and he is
capable of services to humanity incomparably greater than can be
expected to result from trying to fly ... for students and investigators
of the Langley type there are more useful employments"

The New York Times

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