c source code utilities wanted

Guido van Rossum guido at mcvax.UUCP
Wed Nov 26 07:59:12 AEST 1986

In article <1753 at jade.BERKELEY.EDU> arnold2 at rose.berkeley.edu.UUCP (The
Joker) writes:
>i just discovered the network news; lately i have  been  thinking that
>i am spending  an  enormous  amount of time  writing code that  already exists.

If you read the net news somewhat longer, you'll discover that very
little of this kind comes along.  Sure, it's all been written a thousand
times; but always with one particular goal in mind, so you won't be able
to reuse it easily in your own programs.  Posted programs are usually
hyper-specific, e.g., plot the USENET map.

And now for some positive criticism:

Hint 1: Learn when to type capital letters.
Hint 2: Don't align your right margins.  It  doesn't  look  right  when
your  words  are  all  two  spaces  apart.
Hint 3: Use your real name when posting to the net.
Hint 4: Writing the code is usually trivial, once you master the
technique.  Read any good textbook on the of algorithms you need, and
you'll beat anything you can get for free hands down.

	Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <guido at mcvax.uucp>

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