Help : access to BITNET and ARPA-Net via UUCP net?

Jon Ryshpan jon at nsc.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 12:35:59 AEST 1986

In article <610004 at hpsrla.HP.COM> tiwary at hpsrla.HP.COM (Ashutosh Tiwary) writes:
>Me too.
>	I am looking for a way to get to BITNET, CSNET, Internet etc. from 
>unix mail. Can anyone out there be of help.

Everyone interested in internet communications should read the article
in the latest issue of CACM (Communications of the Association for
Computing Machinery)

  Jonathan Ryshpan   MS D3645		USENET: ...hplabs!nsc!blit!jon
  National Semiconductor		ARPA:   decwrl!nsc!blit!jon at
  Sunnyvale, CA  95052-8090		DOMAIN: jon at

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