Image Processing routines -- Orientation

Chuck Gendrich gendrich at msudoc.UUCP
Wed Oct 15 03:17:51 AEST 1986

In article <2274 at usceast.UUCP> godawski at usceast.UUCP (Mike godawski) writes:
>Anybody out there got any algorithms or code that does image overlaying
>of dissimilar images of the same objects that are digitized?  
>Definition:  Image overlaying--two pictures taken of same object but
>pictures were taken from different positions (l/r and up/down orientation
>is off) as well as some size differences.  Want to be able to put one
>picture on top of the other.
>Thanx in advance.

I need to do something like this, too.  Please post responses to the net
or send E-mail to the two of us.


Chuck Gendrich
	...{ihnp4, itivax, well, drexel, pur-ee, umich, super}!msudoc!gendrich

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