Tektronix 4010/4107 Terminal Emulator Package

John Koval - Statistics jkoval at watdcsu.UUCP
Wed Oct 1 03:18:17 AEST 1986

In article <674 at wp3b01.UUCP> pearse at wp3b01.UUCP (PUT YOUR NAME HERE) writes:
>I would be interested in a public *or* private domain terminal emulator
>package as well; we have an application here that really could use
>this capability.
>Steve Pearse

Me, too. 

John J. Koval        Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science
                     University of Waterloo
                     Waterloo, Ontario
                     CANADA  N2L 3G1
UUCP:   {allegra,decvax,ihnp4,clyde}!watmath!watdcsu!jkoval
CSNET:  jkoval%watdcsu at waterloo.csnet
ARPA:   jkoval%watdcsu%waterloo.csnet at csnet-relay.arpa

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