TeX previewer

Przemyslaw Klosowski przemek at gondor.UUCP
Sun Oct 12 11:02:03 AEST 1986

I am interested in seeing such a beast; I think that the ability to (selec-
tively) inspect DVI files on screen is important. The first implementation of
TeX I used (in 1982) had this in it; after that I had to use paper copies.
I saw  the approximation to this being distributed on the net (namely DVITYPE)
but it needs to re-run TeX on your document (because a special font is used),
which defeats somehow the purpose of the previewer (or did I get this wrong?)
      1) does anybody know of a public domain previewer for let say 
         Tektronix 4010/4014
      2) maybe some pointers to information about DVI file layout, 
         and why it is not obvious how to write such program.

:^) Here I am, waiting for a computer with the editor having the function 
:^) 'format-and-show-the-text', with ~ real time response. This would be
:^) WYSIWYG again...

                            przemek at psuvaxg.bitnet

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