Bleeper Program

S. Wilson swi at
Sat Oct 4 02:44:03 AEST 1986

Sender:Scott Wilson

This is a small terminal bleeper program to alert non loged in

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	bleep.c
# This archive created: Wed Sep 17 12:08:09 1986
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'bleep.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'bleep.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bleep.c'
/* Terminal bleeper program
 * Scott Wilson 
 * Paisley College of Technology

#include <stdio.h>
#define HEADER "Terminal Bleeper" 
#define REV    "REV 4.2"
#define PROMPT1   "tty #: "
#define PROMPT2     "message: "
#define BLEEP  0007

main ()
        char ttyid[2];
	char devstr [20];
	char message[90];
	int i,x,y,r, s;
	float res;
	FILE  *outfile;

	printf ("%s %s \n \n", HEADER, REV);
		r = 0;
		while (r == 0 )    {                         
			printf (PROMPT1);
			r = getstr (ttyid);

		r = 0;
		while (r == 0) {                        /* Get new ttyid */
			printf (PROMPT2);
			r = getstr (message);
       strcpy (devstr,"/dev/tty");
       strcat (devstr,ttyid);
       outfile = fopen (devstr,"w");
       if (outfile == NULL) {
	  printf("Cannot open %s\n",devstr);
	printf("Bleeping %s\n",devstr);
	fprintf (outfile,"%s\n",message);
        for (;;)  {
	sleep (1);
        fputc (BLEEP,outfile);
	fflush (outfile);
/* Routine to input string, length returned in p */
getstr (s)
char s[];
	int p,c;
	for (p = 0; (c = getchar()) != '\n'; ++p)
		s[p] = c;
        s[p] = '\0';
	return (p);
chmod +x 'bleep.c'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

JANET:  swi at                    Scott Wilson
EMAIL:	swi at		| Post: Paisley College
UUCP:	...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!paisley!swi|	Department of Mathematics,
Phone:	+44 41 887 1241 Ext. 260	|	High St. Paisley.
					|	Scotland.
					|	PA1 2BE

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