Wanted, source for jive and valspeak.

Adams Douglas adamsd at crash.UUCP
Thu Oct 16 08:47:15 AEST 1986


I've got a great desire for the C source for the text filters 'jive' and
'valspeak'. Anyone who has either source, or IBMPC .COM or .EXE files
would have my deepest gratitude if they would post or email them to

Many thanks.

Adams Douglas	ARPA:crash!adamsd at nosc.arpa  AT&T:818-354-3076
JPL/NASA	UUCP:{akgua  hplabs!hp-sdd | sdcsvax | noscvax}!crash!adamsd

My opinions! Do you hear? MINE! Not JPL's.

"Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth." -- Socrates

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