source for \"make\" program requested

Root Boy Jim rbj at
Tue Oct 21 05:01:52 AEST 1986

	From unix-sources-request at BRL.ARPA Tue Oct 14 08:10:02 1986
	Received: by (5.51/4.7)
		id AA08143; Tue, 14 Oct 86 08:09:59 EDT
	Received: from USENET by SMOKE.BRL.ARPA id a023093; 14 Oct 86 7:32 EDT
	From: "Dr. Cliff Shaffer" <cvl!cas>
	Newsgroups: net.sources,net.micro.pc,net.micro.amiga,net.micro.atari16
	Subject: Re: source for "make" program requested
	Message-Id: <1729 at cvl.UUCP>
	Date: 10 Oct 86 13:57:26 GMT
	To: unix-sources at
	Status: RO
	I could sure use a "make" that works on a VAX running VMS too!!
		Cliff Shaffer
		cas at

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