Plotting Algorithms and/or Programs

Harry Sharp sharp at usceast.UUCP
Mon Oct 20 12:57:01 AEST 1986

[ Line Eaters of the world, unite! ]

    I am in need of plotting programs or algorithms. I am working for
two professors, both of whom, coincidentally, want plotting programs
for MS-DOS micros. The punch line is : they want them in two different
languages - Pascal and C. :-(
    I run into problems when I try to map the data points to the screen.
The data for the plots is from files, and the range of the data is either
unknown or huge (eg. -13000.0 - 0.0). I can do the user interface part
fairly easily, but I'm not real good when it comes to mapping through
mathematical formulae. (OK, so I'm a info systems person! Forgive me
please! :-)).
    One of the machines I am using is a Sperry IT (SPIT) with an EGA
board in it. As you might guess, we are having to write our own routines 
to use the board. I would be nice if it was otherwise, but..... The other
machine is an IBM PC. 
    The programs need to make regular XY quadrant I plots, and also plots
with the X axis centered in the Y axis.
    I would appreciate it greatly if anybody who has a plotting program
or algorithm, or just advice, would send them down this way. If I can
do anything in exchange, deals can be arranged.

    Many thanks in advance.

              Harry Sharp


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